It is so very nice to have a camera again. We took a bunch of photos today, between our twin cousins’ birthday party and dinner with our neighbor and her son, our fingers were very busy capturing lots of future memories.
All posts by Pink Me Not Mom
New Camera
It almost didn’t happen. Best Buy almost let us down today. We decided on the Canon model we wanted to purchase. Amazon was offering it for $50 less than Best Buy, but I wanted to test it out before biting the bullet.
Happy Birthday, Chloe!
Chloe is eight today. I can’t really believe it. It seems like I was giving birth to her not so very long ago. My mom and I spent the afternoon with her, and we went to the local bead store where she made herself a necklace (and I made a necklace for Sophie). For dinner, she chose to take us to a local pizzeria and Coldstone for ice cream afterwards. Not what I would have chosen, but it wasn’t my birthday, was it?
Still No Photos
I was really hoping to have a camera in time for Chloe’s birthday tomorrow. But we didn’t make it to the store. And I’m bummed about it, because I will be in Chloe’s class serving cupcakes and won’t have the evidence to prove it (ok, they’re not homemade)!
More Mop Action
I really can’t get over the fact that my girls actually made a go of mopping the floor the other day. I had posted a photo of Chloe at the handle, but think it’s only fair to showcase Sophie channeling Cinderella as well.
Sophie at School
Our Camera Was Stolen
I am disappointed in my fellow humans today. Our camera is gone, presumably stolen from a bench at the American Museum of Natural History as the girls were taking a break from running around the exhibition space. This is a place that’s swarming with children, for god’s sake. We had just taken some adorable pictures of Chloe and Sophie as they frolicked among the butterflies and gleefully pointed out the Tibetan tribal masks. And quicker than you can say “Cheese!” the camera had disappeared.
Be Still My Beating Heart
Sophie survived her first week of school! And she liked it, we think. No complaints on Thursday and next week she’ll experience her first class trip on a school bus. She is, of course, very excited about that and was very keen on knowing whether or not it is going to be a big school bus or a little school bus.