All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

My New Baby

I celebrated my 40th birthday a couple of months early today, and after one year’s incubation in my dreams, I succumbed to temptation and bought a new Mac Book.
One would have never thought we were in a recession by spending time in the Apple store today.  It was jammed with people, many of whom were purchasing gadgets.  The other stores in the mall were sparsely populated, because everyone was admiring iPhones, iPods, iMacs and Mac Books.
Between investing some money directly in the stock market a few weeks ago (go Kraft Foods!  go British Petroleum!) and buying my new computer, I think I’ve done my part to jump start our crappy economy.  
Chloe is particularly excited, because along with the laptop, I came home with a color printer that cost $9.95.  She jumped for joy at the sight of it.  And when she realized that my PC laptop might eventually go to her (but not in her bedroom), she was positively beaming.

Halloween Preparations

I have no idea who this little girl is – but she’s wearing Sophie’s Halloween costume.  

Chloe had the bright idea to try on costumes about 10 minutes before bed tonight.  Needless to say, bad parenting move.  
Sophie loves her costume.  Didn’t want to take it off.   We had a bit of an argument about it.
Chloe’s Cleopatra costume is a very complicated affair.  She had trouble with the different elements, and started to get frustrated because the decorative arm bands were too big and were falling down her arms.  There were some tears.  Very annoying when it’s bedtime.  Not a good way to end the evening.  
Try explaining to a kid that there’s nothing to worry about – that there are two long weeks before the big day…plenty of time to fix the wardrobe malfunction.
My husband and I are suckers.  We never should have allowed them to try on the costumes right before bed.  We opened the Pandora’s Box – and it’s our bad.  

Electoral Politics

This post has absolutely nothing to do with my girls (and I think this is the first time since I started my blog almost a year ago that I’m writing a such a post) – but it’s too good to keep to myself.

I was talking to my mom earlier this evening, and she told me that she received a letter today, addressed to my father, who is just about nine years dead.  It wasn’t just any letter.  It was a missive from Governor Sarah Palin, Republican Vice Presidential candidate, asking him for a donation to the McCain/Palin campaign.
I started to laugh.  “Mom, I didn’t know dad was a registered Republican,” I said.  Of course he wasn’t.  We’re all about as liberal as they come, and I didn’t pull my values out of thin air.  As this idiocy started to sink in, I started to laugh even more.
You know the McCain/Palin campaign is desperate when it seeks out donations from life-long Democrats, but for them to go begging for donations from long-dead Democrats gives me reason to hope that Obama might actually have this election in the bag.

They Love Each Other…

…they really do.  But when Chloe got into our car this evening after five days in Texas, it was as if she had never left.  Sophie started to bait her big sister, to tattletale on her big sister, and Chloe reacted every single time.

I really did not miss the back-and-forth these last few days.  I missed Chloe, but I didn’t miss the Chloe & Sophie routine.  “Mommy, Chloe’s touching my car seat.”  “Mommy, Chloe said ‘poopy.'”  “Mom, Sophie hit me.”  “Sophie, don’t touch my book!”  And on and on and on and on…
That said, I’m happy Chloe is home.  I missed her chatterfests.  I missed her funny stories.  I missed not having her around to make Sophie laugh.  
Speaking of which, Sophie made all of us laugh tonight.  She took her new jewelry box (thanks, Grammy!), opened it up, did a semi-headstand on her bed, and while upside down, examined her butt in the box’s mirror.  “What are you doing, Sophie?”  “I’m looking at my butt!”


The day couldn’t have been more beautiful.  Sophie and I got to go to the playground while the hubby went to the supermarket.  And we had lots of fun.
We ran around the field playing tag, which for Sophie meant yelling “stop!” so that she could catch me.  We used a stick to make music on the metal garbage can and danced.  We watched some soccer and drew flowers in the dirt.
Sophie was visibly happy – happy as a clam – to be spending some quality time with her mom.  As was I.  We shared water, grapes and an apple.  And exchanged kisses and hugs.  In all honesty, I hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time.  Probably not since my time off with the girls last year.
In the meantime, Chloe was in the Lone Star State visiting caves and having close encounters with hairy bats.  And playing Pac-Man on the computer.  She is having a great time and she’ll be back tomorrow evening.  And I can’t wait to see her.

An Adult Party!

My husband and I just got home from a party – yes, an adult party.  A “kegger,” to be exact.  Our neighbor, a senior in high school, did the honor of babysitting Sophie while we met up with our friends.
I was in college the last time I went to a kegger.  And in college, we didn’t call such gatherings keggers, we called them frat parties.  And back then, twenty or so years ago, they weren’t nearly as civilized as the party tonight – where most, if not all, of the guests had children sleeping at home.
No Budweiser for us 40-somethings.  Stella Artois, thank you.  And wine for those of us who are no longer (or never were) beer drinkers.  And jello shots for those who longed for the good ‘ole days of college.  And even the jello shots, which were offered in cherry vodka, pina colada, lime and orange vodka flavors, were a little more sophisticated than the ones I remember.  My husband, the Frenchie, never had a jello shot before tonight.  He had trouble getting it out of the shot glass, and required a few minutes of coaching. 
We came home to a sleeping Sophie, who survived her first time with a babysitter who was someone other than her Grammy or her two beloved weekday sitters.  This is very good news.  Our days as weekend prisoners to our kids are over!   Hallelujah!  


The stock market is still tanking – but I did my part to shore up the financial markets today by investing in Kraft Foods and BP. People have to eat and drive their cars (even if they are trying to do less of the latter).  And while I am in no way convinced that we’ve hit bottom, the two companies’ stock prices are at levels not seen in a very long time.  You know times are bad when a 128-point decline in the Dow Jones is considered a good thing.
I left work a bit on the early side to pick up Sophie from her babysitter this afternoon.  It was so nice to be home at 5 pm!  I’d forgotten what it was like.  We made some rounds and visited our neighbors, and had a lovely hour catching up with our friends.  It was a gorgeous day and I was happy to spend a bit of it outside with my little girl.

It’s Quiet Here!

Chloe is with my mom – they’re leaving for the airport at the crack of dawn tomorrow.  I came home a bit late tonight, after Chloe left, and it was quiet.  

OK.  It lasted for only about two minutes, until I went to say hi to Sophie, whose last cartoon of the day was ending.  She asked to watch another one, and I was the bad guy because I said no.  No hug hello for me tonight.  Just Sophie swiping at me with her hand for having the gall to refuse to let her watch more TV.  When I warned her she’d be going to the corner, she cried for her Papa.  
And then she saw the slice of pizza on the table, which was meant for me.  She had already had her dinner, but she’s evidently over her cold, because now she’s famished.  So, not only did she assault me when I arrived home, she stole my food.  
Supernanny, are you still accepting applications?

Sophie is Going to Have a Vacation…

…from Chloe.  This is a good thing.  As of tomorrow night, Chloe will be with my mom and the two of them will hit the clouds for Texas.  For a glorious four days, Chloe and Sophie will not have a chance to fight or tease each other or scream in each other’s faces.  

And they love each other, they really, really do.  But Sophie knows that all she has to do is yell “no!” at Chloe and that’s enough to set Chloe off.  So Sophie, of course, continues to yell “no!”  
It’s truly wonderful to come home from a stressful day of work to two girls who are doing all they can to torture each other.  When I was on the phone earlier with my brother (whom Chloe and my mom are going to visit), I could sense the mental sigh of relief from him when he realized that the child screaming at the top of her lungs was not the child arriving in an airplane to see him in a couple of days. 
As for myself, I am very much looking forward to some peace and quiet.  And maybe some shopping and a pedicure to do my part to shore up the economy.

Another Monday

I’m starting to really dislike Mondays.  Between the roller coaster rides in the stock market and the typical “Oh, it’s Monday” doldrums, I’m ready for a break.
Chloe is taking a break with my mom later in the week to visit my brother and sister-in-law in Texas.  She can’t wait.  She’s very eager to go to a rock concert, because the last time we visited them it was during a music festival and she couldn’t get enough of all the really, really loud music.  Apparently, they’ll be going to a gospel concert of some sort this time around .  Gospel’s great, but let’s face it, I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t quite live up to her expectations.
In the meantime, Chloe’s been diligently taking care of her newly pierced ears.  We’ll see if she can keep it up for the eight weeks mandated by the pharmacy.  She also continues to torture Sophie, by touching her too much.  Which really is kind of dumb, because even if Chloe doesn’t hurt Sophie, Sophie will use drama and tears to bring attention to her “plight”and her sister’s misdeeds.
Sophie is a smart cookie.  Her pediatrician thinks she should be in school this year so that she has an opportunity to accumulate experiences independently – without our involvement.  But she’s just fine.   Sophie isn’t suffering from not being in a classroom – she is very much her own person.  That said, we’ll enroll her next year – for better or for worse, we’re going to have to get her prepped for kindergarten eventually…