Two weeks and counting. I am almost 11 weeks old. That’s right. Full-blown puppy toddler. And I’m having fun most of the time. And continuing to drive my new family crazy a lot of the time. But I think they love me at least some of the time. Progress all around.
Had an interesting conversation with Chloe the other day about the shenanigans in Congress – the government shutdown and the looming debt ceiling disaster. The best part about the discussion was observing her avid interest in learning about what was happening and understanding why it was happening. My husband and I explained the situation to her as best we could (and no, despite efforts to remain neutral, we failed miserably).
It’s official. I have survived my first week with my new crazy family. And let me tell you, the jury was still out as to the extent of the craziness when I last hijacked this blog, but it isn’t anymore. The verdict is unanimous. They are certifiable.
It’s like being a first-time mom all over again. Yes, we’re dealing with a different species, but I’m exhibiting the same obsessive attention to behavior, bowel movements, eating patterns…I am decidedly too old for this. But Truffle is just so adorable, it’s hard to resist him.
I’m so humbled. The response I received to my first blog post was a huge inspiration. Thanks to all of you for tuning in. My new human mom has agreed to make me a contributor to her blog, so you’ll continue to hear about my escapades from time to time – and here’s the latest.
New scents! New sounds! It’s overwhelming. I guess I’m not in Kansas anymore (actually, I was never in Kansas. Does Toto still live there?) I was so excited this morning when my new human family came to pick me up in Pennsylvania. I didn’t know what to expect. Many of my brothers and sisters had already left for their new homes. I stood by the door, eagerly waiting and waiting and waiting. Which is not an easy thing for an eight-week old puppy to do.
In four short days, we return to central Pennsylvania to retrieve our puppy and bring him home. We finally settled on his name the other night, which will be revealed when he crosses the threshold of our house on his own four paws. It is a name that everyone liked and one that my husband, ironically enough, suggested. Ironic because he is not particularly keen on bringing a four-legged animal into the family. But with the baptism, he’s now bound to the dog in a way that Chloe, Sophie and I will never be.
Our little monster is eight years old today. To celebrate her birthday, she’s bringing Munchkins to school and having a small slumber party. We plan to tire the girls out by taking them to dinner and a movie (“Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2”) before they wreak havoc in their pajamas.
Chloe knows that I want to make a go of writing. We’ve talked at length about the concept for the kids’ book that’s been percolating for several months in my ever-distracted brain. She also knows that I’ve been working on all manner of projects while procrastinating on the one that matters most to her (or at least the one that she finds most compelling).
The good news is that the girls are settling into their new routines. Busy at school, busy with homework, busy with activities and busy with friends. The bad news is that, despite my best efforts, my intended routine evades me. I have lots of time blocked off in my calendar to write, but the kind of writing I plan to do during those hours remains stubbornly trapped in my brain. I’ll get it out eventually.