All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Some Final Thoughts on Florida

Although this was one of the most bittersweet visits I’ve had to Florida, it was also easily one of the best.  This wasn’t because our days were filled with fun activities. Let’s face it, going to malls down there is not exactly exciting, the food is mediocre at best and Nanny, who was never Speedy Gonzalez even at her healthiest, now moves at a snail’s pace.  
The days pass in slow-motion in Florida – especially when it’s stifling hot and humid, as it was this past weekend.   Nanny keeps the apartment at a sticky and stuffy 82 degrees, because she’s all skin and bones and often chilled.  I honestly felt as though I was suffering from early-onset menopause – I was sweating so much.
The reason this trip was so special was two-fold.  First, I had a chance to spend some wonderful one-on-one time with my little girl, who is so often in the shadows of Chloe.  Creating imaginary sea creature friends in the pool was the highlight (Pinky the pink fish, Slowy the snail and the mean shark, among others).  Second, I had a chance to enjoy, for the first time, my little girl’s big heart.  Who, without even realizing it, showed an empathy for her great-grandmother that was touching and beautiful in its simplicity.   

Deep in Conversation

Blah, blah, blah, blah… and on and on and on.  One of Sophie’s first comments upon waking up this morning:  “Where’s Nanny?”  “Nanny’s sleeping.”  “I WANT to see Nanny!”  “Well, Sophie, it’s 7 AM – Nanny’s still in bed.”  “I WANT to see Nanny!”
Sophie had to wait it out a bit.  And she’s fortunate, actually, because under normal circumstances, Nanny sleeps in.  But with Sophie in town, Nanny’s been extra-motivated to make it out of bed in the morning.  
Today, Nanny’s dearest friend came to the apartment with a birthday cake in hand and a little gift for Sophie.  Sophie was very excited.  Especially about the super sweet icing.  At dinner tonight, the hostess gave Sophie a sheet of candy buttons – because little Sophie is as cute as a button.  Those curls of hers prompt people to give her gifts.  She was the youngest person in the restaurant, by at least 65 years.  Welcome to Florida.

Sophie and Her Nanny

The two girls – one at the beginning of her life and the other in her final years – continue to bond.  Sophie is Nanny’s designated helper, our little Florence Nightingale.  
This morning, the two of them conversed on the terrace.  This afternoon, she spent about an hour helping Nanny prepare for our outing.  Bringing Nanny ice chips, getting her slippers, her shoes, and watching her great-grandmother brush her hair and put on her makeup.  Sophie held the side of Nanny’s walker as they made their way down the catwalk towards the elevator.
This evening, after we arrived home from dinner, Sophie joined Nanny in the ice-chewing.  They each had a cup and both were content.  Sophie and Nanny are 87 years apart in age, a lifetime of experiences separating them.  But they’re best buddies now.  

Four Generations

It’s official.  Nanny is thrilled to have Sophie here in Florida.  Sophie brings her joy and happiness – as any great-grandchild would, I suppose.  

But as I suspected, Sophie also brings lots of laughs.  That’s because Sophie is silly.  Silly as can be.  Running around the apartment with her rubber football, dumping the contents of her Babar backpack on the floor, slurping up pasta at the local pizza joint – Sophie is simply a born entertainer.
Our little girl warmed up quickly to her new surroundings – after a brief stint playing coy and shyly exploring the apartment – she decided it was all good.  She particularly likes the lounge chair on the enclosed porch – and has made it known that it’s hers for the duration – whether or not she’s actually lounging in it.
So, four generations in Florida – I’m really glad we’re here.


Sophie and I are with my mom in Florida, visiting my grandmother, who hasn’t seen Sophie in about 18 months.  I’m hoping that the visit does my Nanny some good; she’s been ailing for a long time and every week seems to bring her new worries.
I’m confident that Sophie will bring many smiles to my grandmother’s face over the course of the weekend.  And if that doesn’t do her some good, I don’t know what will.  A little singing and dancing by her little great-granddaughter will hopefully be better than any pills she’s been popping for the past year or so.  I know I’m being optimistic, but one can only hope that, if nothing else, Nanny has a few moments during the next few days to forget her troubles.  

We LOVE Each Other SOOOO Much

Yes, my girls love each other sooooo much that they’ve started to “fight” with each other a lot more than they used to.

Sophie is a smart cookie.  She has totally got Chloe’s number. A little sass out of Sophie’s mouth, and Chloe goes on the attack. Sophie then continues with the sass.  And she goes on and on and on. Chloe, for her part, becomes more and more agitated.  
I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve told Chloe to get a grip – she is almost five years older than her little sister, whom I might add, is not yet three (ok – three in about a week).  
The good thing is that I leave for Florida with my mom and Sophie tomorrow.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Four days apart will certainly do the girls some good.  I know it will do me some good.  

Harry Potter!

I’ve been encouraging Chloe to try reading the Harry Potter books for the last couple of months – but she’s resisted because of her obsession with reading every single Nancy Drew book that’s ever been published.
However, she’s out of Nancy Drew books (at least for now).  So after reading two other novels about knights in shining armor, she decided to delve into the first Harry Potter tome.  So far, so good.
Tonight she came bounding downstairs, book in hand, when she heard me come home from Back-to-School night.  “Mommy, mommy!” she exclaimed.  “I’m at the part where they find out what houses they’re in!”  
Chloe didn’t believe me when I promised her that reading the books would be a much different experience from watching the movies.   In fact, Chloe often doesn’t believe me when I tell her things.  But that’s another story for another time.  For now, I’m just happy that she’s reading so much – it’s truly gratifying.

Where’s Papa?

That’s been the million-dollar question since about five minutes after we dropped off my husband at the airport yesterday, for his first business trip in several months. He’s gone until Wednesday.  Lucky me.  
Sophie was crying as her Papa kissed her goodbye – that lasted for about 30 seconds.  After which her main concern was whether we were going up or down hills in the little red putt-putt car.  
But ever since leaving him at the airport, Sophie keeps asking, “Where’s Pops?”  She obviously doesn’t get it.  I explained earlier this evening that Papa would be home in two days.  But she has no concept of time.  I suppose she’ll keep asking where he is until she actually sees him again.
So far, the three of us girls are doing just fine. Sophie discovered the microphone that attaches to the little electronic keyboard and was extremely excited about her find.  Chloe took possession of it – for once Sophie didn’t seem to mind – and serenaded us with “Alouette” and “Volunteers,” with loads of enthusiasm.  Not so much on key – but I already knew that Chloe inherited my lack of singing skills.  It was her smile as she sang that made me smile, too.  And it was a lovely way to end the day.  

Guess Who?

CVS is always good for fun in the aisles. Now that it’s September, Halloween is in the air. Hell, it was already in the air in August, but at least they’re offering some costume regalia now.
Chloe also donned masks of McCain (really scary) and Clinton (funny).  No Palin masks out yet.  That, of course, was a good thing.  Otherwise, I would have needed a few cloves of garlic to fend her off.

Just Call Me Super Chauffeur

Today was one of those days.  Chloe and her friend didn’t get to sleep until 11:30 last night.  I would have bet a good deal of money that they’d sleep in this morning.  But thanks to Sophie (thanks, Sophie!), who, like a chorus of roosters, woke up the house at 6:30 AM, the big girls were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after only 7 hours of sleep.

This would have been fine, except Chloe was cranky the entire day.  And ungrateful to boot. Why, you ask?  She was pissed at me last night because I had the nerve to tell the girls it was time to go to sleep. She was pissed at me this morning because I had the nerve to ask the girls to get dressed. No recognition of the fact that from 9 AM until 5:30 PM today, all I did was chauffeur her around. First to piano, on to swimming, then to the first birthday party and finally to the second.  No thank you.  Just crankiness.
She’d like to get her ears pierced.  And when we told her earlier this evening that she’d have to earn the right to earrings by behaving herself and treating us with respect for the next three weeks, she balked.  Until she allowed us to explain the rules – and we clarified that we were not forbidding her to get upset, but demanding that if she does get upset, she reins in her anger by taking deep breaths or going to her room to let off some steam.  No yelling at us.  No disrespecting us.  
If she manages to control herself, she’ll have her ears pierced before she goes to Texas next month with my mom.  We’ll see if this is a big enough incentive.  I’m not willing to bet more than a few cents on it, but I’m going to hope for the best.