All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Strawberries and Fake Whipped Cream

You’d think my husband would be a snob when it comes to the finer things in life. He is French, after all. At least I think he is. I sometimes have my doubts.

Because he loves Cool Whip, that factory-processed, chemical-laden imitation of what the French call “chantilly.” I mean, really. Is it a difficult choice? Just going by the names alone says it all. Lowbrow, guttural Cool Whip vs. highbrow, rolls-off-the-tongue chantilly. It’s a no-brainer, isn’t it?

Well, apparently the Cool Whip doesn’t fall far from the tree. Because my girls think it’s a no-brainer. The photo shows Sophie licking what remains of Cool Whip and strawberries off her plate. Chloe, of course, instigated it. And their Papa encouraged the gluttony. He truly is a bad influence.

And now our dear children have been corrupted. If they tried real chantilly, they’d probably spit it out. All because of my French husband, who has lived in the United States for much too long.


The first grade potty talk has officially started. At dinner today, Chloe used the word “wienie” in the correct context. My husband and I were a both a bit surprised, considered that we’re proponents of using the proper terminology for one’s private parts.

Of course, as soon as she said it, she started to laugh hysterically. And of course, she attempted to get Sophie to repeat the word. Sophie refused to comply, however, because Sophie is above using such language for cheap laughs.

[By the way, Sophie was back to her usual cheerful, non-feverish self this morning. But she doesn’t have strep. Which still leaves a mystery as to what caused her crazy spike in fever yesterday. We’ll take her to our regular pediatrician on Saturday, just so she can have a look. I really could do without mysteries like that.]

It turns out that Chloe learned that word from a friend. I asked her if they used an equivalent word for girls’ privates, and so far, the answer is no. I realized during this exchange how isolated my husband must sometimes feel – a Frenchman among three females speaking American English and talking trash about wienies. Zut, alors!

Sophie Spikes a Fever

It’s certainly not the first time Sophie’s been sick. But this was strange. She woke up this morning in a lovely mood, excited to go to her babysitter’s apartment and see her little friends. She ate a big breakfast and happily ran around the house.

About 1/2 hour after I arrived at my office, my cell phone rang. Generally it’s not particularly good news when my cell phone rings. I was in a meeting, however, and was unable to pick up the call. Then the office phone rang – it was my babysitter, concerned because after seeming fine, Sophie crawled into a play tunnel and started trembling. She was running a fever of 101.6 F. I packed up my things to leave and take her to the doctor, and while in the car about 20 minutes later, our babysitter called again. Fever up to 104.5 F. Not good.

I couldn’t take her to our regular pediatrician, who was out today and whose office is about 25 minutes from our house. And her back-up was just as far away. So we went to the local immedicare center – where the first nurse’s aide tried to take her temperature under the arm. That obviously didn’t work – does armpit temperature-taking ever work? What doctor even does that? I was starting to worry – thinking that maybe I should have taken her to the emergency room. Finally, another nurse came in with a rectal thermometer. Which would have been fine, except it was an old-fashioned mercury thermometer – the likes of which I haven’t seen since I was a kid. It took forever to get a reading, and after what seemed like days, and lots of Sophie tears, it came out at 102.2 F.

The doctor took a throat culture, and we’ll know tomorrow if it’s strep. In the meantime, Sophie has started antibiotics (getting her to swallow it was another adventure), and spent most of the day sleeping. She seemed a little better this evening, and ate a bit and drank a lot, too.

The only good thing about kids being sick is that they’re generally more willing than usual to be cuddled and hugged. Sophie slept on me for almost an hour this afternoon. A lovely, but fortunately rare occurrence. I hope it’s the last time that happens for a while.

Elusive Sophie

This is just about the best picture I managed to take tonight of little Sophie, who was dancing with her sister to their favorite CD mix, courtesy of their musically inclined uncle.

During the loud and incredibly danceable “Kids in America,” Sophie and Chloe let out all of their inhibitions and shook their booties like crazy on the couch and around the living room floor. There were tons of fantastic photo opportunities, most of which I missed, and not for lack of trying.

Two incredibly important factors worked against me. The first was the camera. It takes great pictures when you have a willing subject, but it also takes FOREVER to reboot after using the flash. By the time it was ready to go again, Sophie’s butt filled up the lens. The second impediment to Annie Leibovitz-quality imagery was Sophie herself. I truly believe that she will do anything to sabotage the photos I try to take of her. She never used to be so calculating. But she’s 2 1/2 now, which I think explains much, if not all, of her behavior.

But you’d think she’d learn a thing or two from her sister who, at 7, adores mugging for the camera. Then again, Chloe always adored mugging for the camera. In stark contrast to her little sister, Chloe will do anything to get in front of the lens.

Which actually leads me to a third reason why I am increasingly unable to take a decent photo of Sophie. Chloe hogs the spotlight. Did I tell you that in addition to wanting to take piano lessons, she’d also like to act?

A Family that Bikes Together Stays Together

As a belated birthday present, and early anniversary (14 years) and Mother’s Day present, I got a bicycle today. Until a few hours ago, everyone in my little family had one except for me.

But I’m no longer feeling like an outcast. I have a brand-new shiny silver bicycle. And boy, have bikes much improved since I last rode one (which if my memory serves me correctly, was back in 1993 or1994, when my husband and I went to Bruges in Belgium, rented bikes and rode for miles into Holland until we got lost and my knee went out on me.

Anyway, my new ride around town has tons of gears – on both handlebars – and killer braking. The seat cushion is very cushy and even when I’m riding slowly, the bike maintains its balance and my feet remain on the pedals. Cool.

This afternoon, we all went out. Sophie finally relented and wore her helmet, and rode with my husband in the seat attached to his bike. At first, she was crying. But after our brief tour around the neighborhood, she just wanted her Papa to take her “zoom” (i.e., fast) some more. Chloe and I continued our adventure, to the local playground and back.

I’m looking forward to the coming months and having a family activity that gets us out and about together. Fun, fun, fun.

Piano Lessons

Chloe is suddenly showing great interest in the piano. She was at a friend’s house the other day, and her friend has started to take piano lessons. Chloe was extremely interested in what her friend was doing and wanted to learn some notes.

Ever since that visit, she’s asked for piano lessons at least once a day. Which is all well and good, except piano lessons without a piano might be a little challenging. Granted, she could go somewhere else for lessons, but how’s she supposed to learn anything if she doesn’t have a piano to practice on?

There’s no way in hell we’d buy a piano at this point – knowing Chloe (and knowing that she’s inherited many of my genes, including those that had me going from activity to activity every couple of months when I was a kid), she’d give it up after a month or two. So, we need to test it out first. We need to find out if we can rent a piano, and we need to find out where she can have lessons.

Actually, it’d be fun to have a piano. And I think I’d actually enjoy reliving my youth (yes, this is me approaching 40) and remembering how to play. I took several years of lessons, and was actually fairly good at it, at least when I put my mind to it. And my husband was even better than I was.

The more I think about it, the more I’m starting to think all of us should take lessons. And become the von Trapp family of the piano world. I’ll keep you posted on our progress.

Crepes, Anyone?

As a proper French family, we should have eaten crepes for Mardi Gras. But time has a way of flying by, as we all know. So, two months later, Chloe and her Papa finally made crepes with Nutella.

Or, as Sophie calls it, “Tella!” – with the big, excited exclamation point that you can hear in her voice. She and her sister proceeded to each eat two crepes. And, boy, were they happy (as you can see from the photo). And if I’m being honest, I was pretty happy, too. Homemade crepes are a super treat. You can bet that our girls were in great moods after that dessert.

On another note, Sophie apparently doesn’t lack in self-confidence. When our babysitter told Sophie that she was beautiful, Sophie matter-of-factly responded, “I know.” Very glad she’s developing such great self-esteem. Although we may have to cease reminding her of her cuteness all the time. Otherwise, her little head might explode. In which case, she wouldn’t be so cute anymore.

Road Trip

Our babysitter took Chloe and Sophie on a road trip today. They went to visit our babysitter’s brother, who lives about 1 1/2 hours from our house. They had a great time.
Really, what could be better than the combination of a beautiful spring day, a picnic and discovering a new place? The girls love our babysitter, and apparently her brother owns a lot of land.

Chloe’s first comment to me about their adventure was “they have the hugest yard ever – at least as much as four houses!” Needless to say, she was very impressed. Apparently, they spent most of the afternoon running around the yard like crazy kids.

And our babysitter gave Chloe an A+ for her behavior – she was a big help with Sophie, who idolizes Chloe. Chloe is definitely at that age where taking care of little ones is a fun prospect – at least for five minutes at a time. The other day she asked when she’d be old enough to babysit. I told her not for another 6 years or so. She’s already counting down the days.

Future Lance Armstrong?

As I mentioned in one of my recent posts, my little Sophie has discovered the joys of tricycle riding. It’s really thanks to Chloe, who rediscovered her own bicycle a couple of weeks ago, and has had good fun riding about town with her father chasing after her.

Sophie, after witnessing her sister’s glee, decided that she was also ready to transport herself on wheels. She hadn’t shown much interest in Chloe’s old tricycle before, but when she saw it the other day, a light must have gone off in her head. She hopped on, and with me holding the handle behind her, started to pedal away as if she’d been at it for years.

She insisted on going out again this morning, even though it was cool and drizzling outside. Up and down the block, over and over again. “Pedal, pedal, pedal!” she yelled with enthusiasm. And then, a round of tag up and down the sidewalk, with Sophie grinning from year to year. These moments – so carefree, so happy, so exuberant- put everything into perspective. And remind me how lucky we are – our girls are simply irresistible.