All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Sacred Valley and the Power of Women

Last evening a “paco” (which means priest in the local dialect) performed a tribute to Pachamama, aka Mother Earth, in an old church located on the grounds of the hotel, which was once a convent. Using locally farmed ingredients such as coca leaves, quinoa and rice, as well as cookies and sprinkles – because, according to him, women like sweets and Mother Earth is a woman – he created a colorful sacrificial package for the Andean peoples’ revered goddess, which he then burned while performing a ritual chant. As an atheist, I generally have no use for such spiritual gobbledygook.  However, when such a ceremony is performed in a setting as magnificent as this, it’s hard to resist the mystical incantations of a millenias-old civilization.

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The Center of the World: Cusco and the Sacred Valley

Like roosters, we were up at the crack of dawn to catch our flight to Cusco. In what was one of the most gorgeous approaches to an airport I’ve ever experienced, we flew into the city with the Andes on either side. It was as if the mountains were hugging the plane and it was beautiful and humbling.

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For My Family on Mother’s Day

When I was in high school, I was convinced that I’d remain single, own a beautiful apartment in Manhattan and save lives as a neurosurgeon.  When I started college, I changed my career goal.  Realizing that I wasn’t cut out to deal with life and death situations on a daily basis, I was convinced I’d become a diplomat and live a life of adventure in exotic locales.

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