All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Hiking in January

Disregarding for a moment Sophie’s bold choice of clothing today, let me just say how much I am loving this warm winter weather.  Yet another springlike Saturday in January.  I’m starting to wonder if Lars von Trier knows something the rest of us don’t – perhaps there really is a planet heading toward an apocalyptic collision with Earth, as depicted in his most recent film, “Melancholia.”  Because other than global warming, nothing else really explains the strange weather we’ve experienced over the last six months or so.

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Purging Paper to Ring in 2012

It sounds so exciting, I know.  With an extra day off until Tuesday, I took it upon myself to clean my desk area today because piles and piles of crap had accumulated over the last few months.  It was not a fun task and is not quite finished.  Mainly because I have all of our photos from France still waiting to be placed in the lovely album I bought months ago just for that purpose.

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To the extent there was a theme for this holiday season’s gifts, it was games.  New family games would mean less time spent playing solo on our iPhones, iPad or iPod Touch.  With that idea in mind, we shopped accordingly, seeking games that would please the girls and not make my husband or me crazy if we joined them in a round.

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