All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Sophie’s a Writer, Too

Sophie wrote a short Halloween story in school.  Here it is (with Sophie’s creative 6-year old spelling as an added bonus).  She has some talent, I’d say.


Once a pon a tim there was a vanpiyr.  The vonpiyr cam at the midll of the Nit.  The vampier cam to sum budys Has.  It suct sum blud.


After she read her story to me and we did her spelling homework, she announced that “Chloe has a digraph in her name.”  She explained to me what a digraph is, because I had no idea.  Apparently, it’s two letters together, like ‘ck’ or ‘ch’ or ‘sh’, that make one sound.  I like it when my 6-year old teaches me a new word.  “I can’t believe you don’t know what that means!” she exclaimed.  She was very happy to be my teacher for a few minutes.

Chloe in the Mirror


Chloe and I went on a shopping expedition the other day.  She needed some new clothes that weren’t jeans and t-shirts.  And she really needed a pair of shoes that were not sneakers.  I was pessimistic.  After several unsuccessful attempts over the last few weeks to find her a pair of non-sneaker shoes she’d actually wear, I had just about given up hope.

Continue reading Chloe in the Mirror

Chloe Learns a Lesson

Chloe and I had an argument yesterday morning.  We stopped at the local bookstore before her tennis lesson so that she could buy herself a new tome.  For once, she took care of her business quickly, and ran back out to the car after just a couple of minutes, new book in hand.  But then she noticed that the cover was a little damaged.

Continue reading Chloe Learns a Lesson