Showing off her newly trimmed curls, Sophie boogied down to the Gwyneth Paltrow version of “Forget You” this evening. Too bad she completely eschews the idea of dance lessons because she really does have some talent. At least compared to her parents and sister, who have very little rhythm whatsoever.
All posts by Pink Me Not Mom
Sophie’s a Writer, Too
Sophie wrote a short Halloween story in school. Here it is (with Sophie’s creative 6-year old spelling as an added bonus). She has some talent, I’d say.
Once a pon a tim there was a vanpiyr. The vonpiyr cam at the midll of the Nit. The vampier cam to sum budys Has. It suct sum blud.
After she read her story to me and we did her spelling homework, she announced that “Chloe has a digraph in her name.” She explained to me what a digraph is, because I had no idea. Apparently, it’s two letters together, like ‘ck’ or ‘ch’ or ‘sh’, that make one sound. I like it when my 6-year old teaches me a new word. “I can’t believe you don’t know what that means!” she exclaimed. She was very happy to be my teacher for a few minutes.
Chloe in the Mirror
Chloe and I went on a shopping expedition the other day. She needed some new clothes that weren’t jeans and t-shirts. And she really needed a pair of shoes that were not sneakers. I was pessimistic. After several unsuccessful attempts over the last few weeks to find her a pair of non-sneaker shoes she’d actually wear, I had just about given up hope.
And Then There Was One
My husband and I spent quite a bit of time today moving back into our living room after a new paint job transformed the space. During the course of our organizing and fall-cleaning, we rediscovered a bunch of gadgets:
Sophie and the Leaves
This short video requires no narration, except that Sophie reminds me of Tigger in this video.
My Funny Bunny and My Slippery Eel
Sophie is my funny bunny. She still cuddles with me. She still hugs me. And gives me kisses. She laughs at my silly jokes.
A New Chloe Poem (It’s Been a Long Time)
She wanted him to forgive
I Want to Be a Shoemaker
Sophie had a very serious discussion with her Grammy yesterday. About her future and what she wants to be when she grows up. She apparently wants to be four things.
Chloe Learns a Lesson
Chloe and I had an argument yesterday morning. We stopped at the local bookstore before her tennis lesson so that she could buy herself a new tome. For once, she took care of her business quickly, and ran back out to the car after just a couple of minutes, new book in hand. But then she noticed that the cover was a little damaged.
Trick or Treating, Take 2
After our town belatedly decided late on official-Halloween afternoon to strongly encourage parents to postpone trick or treating – because of the lost power and downed trees and wires – until today, Chloe convinced us that she and her friend should have a second chance at Halloween.