Category Archives: Treasures from the Archives

Chloe’s “Buddies”

When I was about 12, I cuddled a different stuffed animal every night. Using a list I had created, I kept track of each animal’s turn so that none of them would feel left out.

I mentioned this anecdote to Chloe a few weeks ago. Evidently, my obsessive-compulsive behavior inspired my big girl, because last week, she created her own list. And she laid out her animals just so, using Sophie’s old baby blankets for both covers and mattresses, and tissues for pillows. Her toys sleep dormitory-style on the floor.

Because the animals are on the floor, they often get knocked around. Every evening, Chloe lovingly ensures that they are back in their proper tissue beds, cozy and happy.

Her m.o., however, is a bit different from mine. Rather than limit them to cuddles at sleeptime, she has daytime buddies and nighttime buddies. And two separate lists, with all of the animals’ names meticulously written down. She’s very proud of her system, of course.

The apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree. I think I’ll refrain from telling her, at least for another 10 years or so, that I had a system to categorize my record and book collections.

Top 10 Things I Won’t Miss When I Return to Work

Note: It goes without saying that I won’t be totally off the hook when it comes to the following crimes against Mommy, since mornings, evenings and weekends are still fair game, but I’ll take whatever reprieve I can get.

10. Waking up in the morning without set plans for the day (which sometimes was actually a nice thing, but mostly not).

Continue reading Top 10 Things I Won’t Miss When I Return to Work

“I Want to Be Sexy!”

Earlier today, our New York City family adventure included a stop at the legendary Ricky’s Costume Shop, a warehouse containing the largest Halloween costume collection I’ve ever seen. It was impressive, and the kids got a kick out of all the disguises.

Chloe was particularly enthusiastic. At one point, she took me to see a costume that she would have liked for herself. I pointed out a couple of problems with it. The first being that it was a woman’s costume, not for a child. Second, it consisted of a bra and a nanoskirt. But because it was so tiny, Chloe probably thought it was for girls. When I told her the costume was too sexy for her, she said, “But Mom, I want to be sexy.”

WHAT?!?!?!? I didn’t have an immediate response to that. After a few seconds, I replied, “You’re too young to be sexy. You’re too young to even think about the word sexy. You are six years old and an adorable little girl. Sexy is for grown women.”

“Mom, what is sexy?” I breathed a sigh of relief. But then I realized I had another problem. How to explain sexy? For a fleeting moment, I considered giving her a quick tour of the XXX-rated accessory section in the store. OK, not such a great idea. Instead, I made a feeble attempt to define “sexy” in a way that would cause her to reconsider her aspirations.

My monologue was clumsy, at best, and went something like this: “Chloe, you don’t want to be sexy yet. Men like women to be sexy. Little girls are not allowed to be sexy (I didn’t mention the child beauty pageant exception). When you’re 30 you can be sexy. Besides, Santa Claus does not let his elves deliver presents to sweet little children wearing outfits like that.”

Here’s a close version of the costume she coveted. It’s called the “Sexy Santa Velour Set.”

Shoot me now.

Sophie’s First Crush

Sophie LOVES her 17-year old cousin from France. Maybe it’s the cute accent. Maybe it’s his cool teenager attitude. Maybe he smiled at her just so. We’ll never know with certainty the reason for her devotion, but he’s her go-to guy this week. Even Papa has taken a back seat to our nephew. I told him that his girlfriend now has fierce competition for his attention.

What I do know is that she loves him so much that she allows him to play with her barnyard animals. And she expresses her admiration in other ways too. Like letting him hold her sacred burp cloths (which she treats like Peanuts’ Linus treats his blanket) and her little lamb, Shirley. She’s even managed to convince him to watch her morning cartoons with her, thanks to which he’s learned that Dora the Explorer has a cousin named Diego. If he asks for one of her grapes, she happily shares with him, and only him. A request from anyone else is flatly refused. And when he enters the dining room in the morning, she greets him by jumping up and down, pointing at him and screaming in glee.

As far as she’s concerned, he might as well be a rock star. I’m sure she would adore a poster of him over her crib. I’m not sure it would go with her bedroom decor, but it would certainly make her day.

Merry Christmas!

Too tired to write much this evening. Was up in the middle of night thanks to Sophie, who apparently had a nightmare. Then up again at 6:30 AM, thanks to Chloe, who absolutely had to see the presents that Santa Claus left for everyone. You know, in case he changed his mind and removed them by 8 AM.

It was a lovely day, spent among family – eating good food (I don’t think our kitchen has ever had that much of a workout – I even used the microwave as a regular oven), drinking good champagne and wine, and relaxing. The girls enjoyed their presents, and Chloe had only one meltdown, when we pushed her to take a walk with her Papa, aunt, uncle and cousin, and she adamantly refused. Sophie spent most of the afternoon napping (I wonder why…) and when she wasn’t sleeping, she was either eating, playing with her new Play-Doh or her new toy pirate ship, or pushing her shopping cart around the house.

Our relatives also enjoyed themselves, a sentiment that manifested itself by their eating way too much. My oldest nephew, who is 17, said he’s gained about 5 pounds since arriving here – 3 days ago! This is what happens when you come to America (or go on a cruise). You conveniently forget healthy nutritional habits and succumb to gluttony.

Tomorrow’s plan is to confront the crowds at the American Museum of Natural History and to visit Central Park. One can only hope that some physical activity – perhaps strenuous rockclimbing – will help to ease the pain induced by our recent overindulging. To be continued…

Devil Dogs on Christmas Eve

When my husband and his siblings were children in the early 1970s, they lived in Poughkeepsie for a couple of years.

In honor of his sister’s visit this week, we bought her a box of Drake’s Devil Dogs, to remind her of those long-ago days in upstate New York.

Disclaimer: I did not intend for the processed little cakes to serve as dessert on Christmas Eve – witness the homemade pear tart in the photo, which I toiled over earlier this morning.

My sister-in-law was justifiably very excited about introducing her kids to her childhood treat. And since we’re flexible and reasonable people, we broke them out, along with the doughnuts (!)she bought at the supermarket earlier today, so that the younger French generation, and Chloe and Sophie too, would have a chance to savor these two classic American delicacies (hint of sarcasm here).

Were the Drake’s cakes overwhelming hits? Let’s just say that nobody threw up and there are still plenty of Devil Dogs left. The photo of Sophie torturing hers with a spoon speaks a thousand words. I’ve captioned it “Death to Devil Dog.”

A Day at the Museum

We spent our first day as New York tourists visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art. All nine of us piled into two cars and trekked into the city. It was ten times more pleasurable than I would have imagined, given that our group included a toddler, two six-year olds and two teenage boys.

We explored a good four hours in the halls of the Met, where Chloe received some tutorials about Greek and Roman mythology, and learned a little more than she already knew about male and female anatomy, which caused quite a bit of laughter. We saw sumptuous bedrooms in the European Decorative Arts wing, lots of mummies and the Temple of Dendur.

Sophie logically fell asleep somewhere during our visit of the European bedrooms. Chloe, other than a few “I’m bored” comments, held up admirably well, and even enjoyed most of the adventure.

I like to think that our warning to her earlier this week – that her French family was expecting a well-behaved little girl – might have actually had a small impact. But if I’m being honest, the real reason is probably the Game Boy – incredibly, she and her cousin took turns without any disputes. Their shared interest in electronic games has allowed them to bond. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m liking Game Boys a lot this week.