Chloe and Sleepaway Camp?
The other night, Chloe and I had a great walk around the neighborhood together. We talked about lots of things. But one of the main takeaways of the evening was Chloe’s desire to go to sleepaway camp next year. Even if it means going alone (i.e., without a friend) – she’s ready for the adventure. You have to admire her independent streak! I showed her the Web site for the camp I went to as a kid, and she could barely contain her excitement. She was even intrigued by the fact that she’d have to make her bed every single day.
The Great Escape
Chloe and Sophie came bounding up the stairs this morning to announce that Alubus and Gloup, our dwarf hamster pets, had escaped from their cage.
The Joys of Youth
Sophie the Photographer
Mystery Solved
I was wrong. The girls hadn’t prepared a “Blues Brothers”-type skit. Their Grammy took them to get their photos taken. Sophie, who is always such a ham, apparently wanted nothing to do with the photographer. Chloe, who has mastered the art of avoiding the camera, loved the modeling session.
Hula Hoop, Anyone?
Another Lost Tooth
Chloe has a new hole in her mouth. Problem is, she doesn’t believe in the tooth fairy anymore. So what to do? I told Chloe that if she doesn’t believe, the fairy isn’t going to waste her time coming to Chloe’s room to deposit a dollar. The money would be better spent elsewhere.
The Frenchies Are Here!
Four of them, anyway. The fifth to arrive on Sunday. All I can say is – our nephews, 15 and 16, and our niece, 12, are giants. They have grown so much in the last couple of years, it’s amazing. The two boys are taller than my husband, and he’s tall.