Chloe and Sleepaway Camp?

The other night, Chloe and I had a great walk around the neighborhood together. We talked about lots of things. But one of the main takeaways of the evening was Chloe’s desire to go to sleepaway camp next year. Even if it means going alone (i.e., without a friend) – she’s ready for the adventure. You have to admire her independent streak! I showed her the Web site for the camp I went to as a kid, and she could barely contain her excitement. She was even intrigued by the fact that she’d have to make her bed every single day.

Our conversation about sleepaway camp led to a really nice talk about making friends – I reassured Chloe that she didn’t need to have lots of friends, and that even if she had two or three good friends, that’d be great. She shouldn’t rely on the same kid all the time for playdates, I told her. Last year was tough for her in that she was a little too insular – and I’d like her to expand her horizons in third grade.
I also told her that when I was a kid, I had less than a handful of close friends, even though I was friendly with more children. She was glad to hear that. “Mom, you don’t know how much better that makes me feel about myself!” she exclaimed. So, in theory, she gets it. Now we’ll see if she can put that theory into practice come September.
We talked about the three themes she should remember this fall, as she meets new kids at school. (1) Positive attitude. (2) Two-way street. (3) Give people a chance. She seemed to understand – and I’ll just continue to reinforce these ideas as September approaches.

The Great Escape

Chloe and Sophie came bounding up the stairs this morning to announce that Alubus and Gloup, our dwarf hamster pets, had escaped from their cage.

This photo, of course, has nothing to do with the great escape, other than the animal connection.

Someone (the culprit remains a mystery – but with a full house, anything is possible) had left open their little loft hatch and we think the two troublemakers were able to knock it off and jump out.
Needless to say, we didn’t know where to start looking. They could have been anywhere. And we didn’t know how long they were alone in the wild. Leave it to my husband’s animal instincts, however. After a few minutes of a panicked all-points-bulletin search, Papa ordered Chloe to look behind the shelves in the dining room. Sure enough, Gloup was crouched in the corner, sweaty and scared. And then Papa told Chloe to look in the desk area corner, and sure enough, Alubus was there, happy as a clam (he’s the independent type). We returned the rodents to their cage, where Gloup proceeded to monopolize the water bottle for a VERY long time.
This story has a happy ending. The two brothers are back in their cozy home, which happens to be spanking clean now as well, and we don’t think they’ll be escaping again any time soon. Honestly, I was quite afraid we’d discover two very dead, very smelly hamsters. It was a lucky day.

The Joys of Youth

I’d like to pose like that in a photo too, but I’m afraid it would be unseemly. The advantage to having the Frenchies here for two weeks is that my husband is on vacation. Which means that the girls get to spend some Papa-daughters time together.
While the Frenchies were traipsing around downtown NYC today, Sophie, Chloe and their dad were borrowing books from the library and having brunch at IHOP, which was a bit of heaven for Chloe. God knows why, because whenever I eat there I feel sick afterwards. That’s why I haven’t eaten there in months.
Tomorrow the girls get to spend time with their American uncle, who’s here on a stopover before leaving with my mom to cruise the Galapagos and commune with the turtles – nice, huh? I wish I was going with them. I want to swim with turtles.

Mystery Solved

I was wrong. The girls hadn’t prepared a “Blues Brothers”-type skit. Their Grammy took them to get their photos taken. Sophie, who is always such a ham, apparently wanted nothing to do with the photographer. Chloe, who has mastered the art of avoiding the camera, loved the modeling session.

The resulting photos are adorable. A beaming Chloe, a brooding Sophie. In one of them, Sophie is embracing her big sister. It’s lovely. I can’t wait to frame them all.

Hula Hoop, Anyone?

The perfect summer activity. Chloe has mastered the art of hula hoop. These days, however, it’s like those controversial polyurethane swimsuits – the material does all the work for you. The hula hoop is filled with sand so that you don’t have to do much beyond swivel your hips a little bit in order to keep it going. That said, she can jump and hula at the same time. Which in of itself may not sound that impressive. Until you realize that this is our darling uncoordinated Chloe we’re talking about.

Another Lost Tooth

Chloe has a new hole in her mouth. Problem is, she doesn’t believe in the tooth fairy anymore. So what to do? I told Chloe that if she doesn’t believe, the fairy isn’t going to waste her time coming to Chloe’s room to deposit a dollar. The money would be better spent elsewhere.

When Chloe remarked that there is no tooth fairy because her teeth never disappear from the tooth fairy box, I replied that the tooth fairy doesn’t swipe teeth anymore because it’s unsanitary. Chloe still wasn’t having any of it.
But she still wants her dollar. Do I leave it under her pillow anyway? I can’t write a note because she knows my handwriting. And her room is dangerously crowded now – if I try to enter it to leave the cash, I risk stepping on Sophie, who’s sleeping on a mattress on the floor in Chloe’s room while our Frenchies are here. What a dilemma.

The Frenchies Are Here!

Four of them, anyway. The fifth to arrive on Sunday. All I can say is – our nephews, 15 and 16, and our niece, 12, are giants. They have grown so much in the last couple of years, it’s amazing. The two boys are taller than my husband, and he’s tall.

I caught a glimpse of what Sophie and Chloe will be like when they’re that age. Outfitted with the latest technology, texting away, writing messages on Facebook about how excited they are to be in New York, eager to go shopping and get some bargains…I feel so old.
An enthralling trip to Costco is on tap for tomorrow (I’ll be working, such a shame, NOT). Our ice cream is already gone.

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life