Chloe had her moving up ceremony today. At 10:30 AM. They couldn’t possibly have a picked a worse time for working parents (the number of moms and dads on their BlackBerries during the show – and I was guilty as well – was pretty astounding. And also pretty depressing, but that’s another blog entry for another time). Anyway, it was a cute ceremony. Each class sang a song or recited a poem. It was very informal, which was nice, because in no way did the circumstances call for caps and gowns.
Home Alone
We had some time alone with Chloe today (Sophie was lucky enough to go home with my mom for a sleepover), and watched “Home Alone” with her.
Will the Rain Ever End?
It’s been raining, almost non-stop, since the beginning of June. With every passing week, I think of the swim club, and all the money down the drain because we haven’t yet been able to go this season. Unless it’s nice next weekend, we’re looking at the third week in July before we even have the possibility of going. In which case, it will end up being an outrageously expensive summer. I hope that our babysitter will at least have some warm, sunny days during the week so that Sophie can enjoy the pool.
Moving Up from Pre- Pre-K
Yep. It’s not enough to do pre-k graduations, now you have to move up from pre- pre-K. This is Sophie dressed for her “Footloose” performance. In a Flashdance-style off-the-shoulder shirt and leg warmers.
Chloe is a Published Book Reviewer!
Chloe submitted a book review for The Twits to our local independent bookstore last month. We are proud to say that it was just published the store’s e-newsletter! Reprint below. Next on tap, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I’m very proud of my budding book critic and thankful to the folks at the bookstore for their willingness to print her review.

reviewed by Chloe (8 years old)
You might want to know some facts from the book The Twits. So here they are. In The Twits both Twits hate each other so much, they pull pranks on each other. Like this one: For dinner, Mrs. Twit made spaghetti. When Mr. Twit gets his spaghetti he said they were a bit squishy. Mrs. Twit just says it’s a different brand. Guess what it really was? I’ll give you 10 seconds. 1-2-3-10-gotcha! If you’re about to say worms, that’s correct. And you know who did it? None other than Mrs. Twit! The Twits was a very funny book. And that’s all I can say.
The author is Roald Dahl. I’m sure you’ve probably heard of him. If you ever do read this book, I hope you enjoy it.
565 Books
The results are in. Chloe read the equivalent of 565 books in 2nd grade. At the beginning of the year, her teacher told the class that 30 pages read would equal one book. Chloe read 16,950 pages. Yes, 16,950 pages.
Oh Shit!
Up and Away
Field Trip to the Museum
What a day. I chaperoned Chloe’s class trip to the museum – and I now have a much greater appreciation for teachers of young children – the crap they must deal with on a daily basis is astounding. This is mostly because kids do stupid things.