9 AM

That’s right.  I slept until 9AM today.  I don’t remember the last time I slept until 9AM.  I woke up awake, if you know what I mean.  No lingering fatigue.
And boy, was it quiet in the house!  As my husband remarked, time passes a lot more slowly without the girls around.  I’ll be glad to see them a little later, that’s for sure.  But as I said yesterday, as much as I love them, I don’t miss them at all.  Mother’s Day be damned!
I truly appreciate being able to relax.  It’s nice to do not much of anything.  And having days like that with two young ones are all too rare.

I Will Be Sleeping in for Mother’s Day

That is my present.  The girls are sleeping over at my mom’s place tonight, and I will be sleeping late tomorrow.  At least, that is my intention.  I haven’t slept late in a really, really long time.  Not sure if I’m still capable of doing it.

But even if I’m not sleeping, at least I won’t have to roll out of bed before 7AM to make breakfast or play legos or give baths.  I can read, spend time on the computer or do nothing at all.
I haven’t been able to do nothing at all in really, really long time.  And as much as I adore my offspring, I know that come tomorrow morning, I won’t miss them a bit.

Bookmark Contest

As I mentioned in a previous posting, Chloe entered a bookmark contest at our local bookstore.  This morning she got some pretty excellent news.  One of the employees called, announcing that she had won honorable mention and a $10 gift certificate.  
When she started to listen to the message and heard who was calling, she was grinning with delight.  Until the part about honorable mention, when the grin suddenly reversed itself into a pout.  She’s not too fond of honorable mention, and announced that she would have rather lost than won honorable mention, because coming so close to winning is such a tease.
She got over her disappointment fairly quickly though, especially once I told her that 170 kids had submitted designs.  She’s one of 15 or so award recipients.  Frankly, the odds of her winning honorable mention in the bookmark contest were less than her getting accepted into an elite college in 10 years, but somehow I don’t think that analogy will hold much weight with her.  
That said, the ceremony is next Saturday and we’ll be there.  She was a little more excited once I told her that if the $10 doesn’t cover two books, I’d pay the difference.   My special prize to her for doing such a great job.

Disney Hoax

Mom calls me yesterday. All excited. “You’ll never believe what I received in the mail today,” she started. She went on to describe a postcard depicting a photo of her taken at Disney World in 1974. She read the text of the card to me, which essentially thanked her for her recent visit and expressed the wish that she enjoy this old photo that Mickey found in his vaults.

Based on her description, I’m thinking that this is the coolest marketing ploy ever. Culling their archive of photos, which must number in the millions, to thank a recent guest for coming to visit the park again. It seemed a little odd that they were able ot match up her image with her name, but stranger things have happened, right?

When I arrive home, there’s an envelope waiting for me. Return address: “Mouse House. Kissimmee, FL.” I open it up and there are two postcards each with a photo of my brother and me and Winnie the Pooh. From 1974. Similar message. I look at the envelope again- the messages are handwritten, and it frankly seems odd. These photos are not professional by any stretch and they even look familiar.

I notice that the postmark is from a post office in Central Massachusetts. I grab the phone. Sophie, Chloe and my husband are laughing as I tell them the story of their gullible grandmother (and mom). “Mom – your brother-in-law – my uncle – sent these photos to us!” I exclaimed. “My god,” she replied. “Of course that’s it. But you know mine didn’t come in an envelope and there was no postmark.” Trying to rationalize. But there’s really no excuse. She was fooled for a good while (enough to convince me over the phone that what she had in her hands was legit and enough to have a conversation with her sister about the marvels of digitized libraries). Thanks for the laugh, Uncle A!!!!

Call Me Crazy

I’m offering to chaperone Chloe’s class trip to a local museum next month.  After years of begging me to chaperone one of her trips, I’m finally biting the bullet and volunteering.

OK – she’s in second grade.  Why has it taken me so long, you may ask?  For one, the school doesn’t need chaperones for most outings.  Second, it’s easy to find excuses when one is working full-time.  
But I’m starting to see the years go by.  Before I know it, my girls will be too old for school trips or at least too old to want me to join them on school trips.  Now’s my chance to make yet another memory before it’s too late.  It should be an interesting day.

Lazy Sunday

This photo perfectly sums up our day today.  For the first time in a very long time, the four of us didn’t do much of anything.  Yes, Papa and Chloe went food shopping in the morning, and I ran out for a couple of quick errands both alone and with Chloe.

But other than those couple of hours, we were all homebound during a lazy, rainy Sunday.  Reading, playing computer games, sorting legos into different bowls (the onesies, the twosomes, the squares, the foursomes, the curvies) or sleeping – you name it, we did it.  Sophie led the pack for napping – I think she spent a good three hours dreaming this afternoon.  
This led to a big problem tonight – she was overtired, and was still going gangbusters at 10:30 pm.  She finally allowed herself to fall asleep after much resistance and whimpering.  Chloe, as usual, went to bed at her normal time – and slept like a log during Sophie’s “I’m too tired not to scream” temper tantrum.


I love this photo of Sophie.  This is the photo I will submit to the next kids’ modeling contest that comes our way.  That face, objectively speaking, is completely irresistible.

Speaking of contests, our local bookstore is holding a bookmark contest for kids.  We submitted Chloe’s entry earlier today and if she wins, she’ll receive a $25 gift card and 100 of her bookmarks to distribute to family and friends.  Best of all, the bookstore will give out the winning bookmarks to customers.
Chloe came up with an adorable design:  an illustration of a woodpecker pecking at a tree and the caption, “Fly in on a ‘peck-uliar’ book.”  How cute is that?  We should know the results in the next week or two.  In the meantime, Chloe is crossing her fingers and toes.

Pixie Dust

There were the characters (!!!!) and there were rollercoasters (!!!!).  But the girls’ second-favorite pastime was collecting pixie dust, little sparkly Mickey ears that are strewn throughout Magic Kingdom by park employees.  Other than meeting Sleeping Beauty, there was nothing that Sophie would rather do than find all the pixie dust she could.  Chloe did it, I suspect not so much because she liked doing it, but because it annoyed Sophie when she collected them too.
Needless to say, Sophie contributed quite a bit to the cleanliness of the Walt Disney World empire (and she has a huge pixie dust collection to show for it).  They also turned the walkways into obstacle courses, especially for people who were trying to steer strollers.  

15 Years!

Who would’ve thought.  We’ve been married for 15 years, together for almost 20.  Wow.  Lots of joy during those years, some pain too, but mostly joy.  Witness Chloe and Sophie.  Now that’s true, unadulterated joy (most of the time).
It’s pretty amazing – everything that’s happened in these last 15 years.  Leaving France, settling here in the States, changing careers (at least in my case), having kids, buying our first home and then our second…we’ve been pretty fortunate, that’s for sure.
We’re not celebrating this milestone right away (other than a trip last night to our local Indian restaurant for an impromptu dinner); rather, we’re saving the festivities for our cruise in July.  
This anniversary is a little bittersweet for me, however.   Over the course of the last few years, I always knew that there were two people who would remember this date.  My mom – who didn’t disappoint this year – and my Nanny.  I miss Nanny – she would always call and send cards for these special occasions.   She kept track of these annual dates, for her children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, until she died last fall. 
But life goes on.  To think that in 15 more years, we’ll be 55 years old, Chloe will either be at the start of her career or in grad school (assuming she first goes to college) and Sophie will be starting college, I hope.  Which leaves lots of time to make many more happy, beautiful memories.  

Final Thoughts on our Vacation

A photo like this pretty much sums it up for me.  Both Chloe and Sophie were really happy while at Disney.  Yes, they had their moments of meltdowns.  But overall, the smiles and laughter were far more frequent.  And the girls loved each other most of the time.

What I appreciated most was the feeling was that I was really away, far away.  After a couple of years of not getting away, that was especially nice.  And even though it was Disney, and I am in no particular rush to go back, it was a hell of a lot of fun.  And not for nothing, I really enjoyed the thrill rides.  

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life