More Memories

Nanny is still alive.  After yesterday, I thought for sure that I’d be taking a plane this morning for the funeral.  I hope that when I’m old, I don’t have to go through what she’s going through right now.  This prolonged death watch is just awful. 

Memories continue to come flooding in:
Watching Nanny make Bubby’s sugar cookies (I never did get the recipe out of her). Accompanying her to the bakery to buy seven-layer cake.  Her bottle of Nina Ricci’s L’Air du Temps perfume.  Giving her a list of the foods she should buy for one of our visits – never mind that the list was always the same.  The crumbsweeper she always had at the ready to tidy up the table after a meal.  
The collection of Beatrix Potter figurines that Nanny gave to me when I was a kid.  Taking her to see “42nd Street” on Broadway.  Her inevitable “I can’t eat anymore!” at the end of the meal, followed by the inevitable “I can’t let that go to waste!” as she sampled the food on everyone else’s plates.  The spotless stainless steel kitchen sink – the only thing in her apartment that still looks new after 30 years.  
The list goes on…and on and on…

Nanny and Her Pacemaker

Against all odds, Nanny is still alive.  Hanging on by a thread.  We all thought she be gone by now, but her will to keep fighting is perhaps stronger than any of us imagined.  She’s mostly unconscious now, and I don’t think she’s aware of her surroundings, but she’s still breathing.

It’s got to be the pacemaker.  It’s a cruel irony that a piece of technology meant to bring life to people when they most need it, delays death when it’s time for life to end.  My aunt and uncle have been by Nanny’s bedside for a couple of weeks now.  My cousin has been with them for the past week, and my mother is going down tomorrow.  
The death watch.  Not wanting her to die, but not wanting her to suffer.  Not wanting to see her in this state.  Nanny is in this crazy kind of purgatory – neither here nor there.  But I suppose she may still feel the presence of her family in the hospice, and perhaps she’s resisting death’s call because the presence of her family is providing her comfort.  
I wonder what that’s like – to know that you’re dying – waiting for it to happen.  Nanny was lucid enough a few days ago to give my aunt some final instructions to follow after her death. But here she is – still resisting.  What’s happening inside her brain?  Is she thinking of her dead relatives or those she’s leaving behind?  Is she not thinking of anything anymore?  Is she just existing in a primitive state of being?
Every time I think of her lying in her hospice bed, I change the scene – to happier memories, spanning my life of almost 40 years:
To our September visit with Sophie.  To my tortuous car trips with Nanny and Poppy from Florida to New York (Poppy never drove more than 50 mph on the highway, and as an adolescent, the constant stream of cars passing us by was no small cause of embarrassment).  To her collection of small paper shopping bags from fancy department stores that she would use to hold hairspray or an umbrella or a sweater.  To the envelope full of small bills that she would carry in her purse, fastened with a rubber band (I never understood why she didn’t keep the money in her wallet).  
To the plastic coverings on all of the furniture in their old Brooklyn apartment.  To her glee when we gave her a used computer so that she could connect to the Internet.  To her happiness at seeing her grandchildren get married, and meeting her great-grandchildren for the very first time.  To her “Miss Neat” obsession with an orderly and clean home (which fixation she reluctantly and apologetically gave up as her health declined).  To her chicken soup.  To her hairstyle, which basically stayed the same for as long as I can remember, thanks to the cancer-inducing, industrial strength hairspray she used.   To her falling asleep and snoring at almost every movie we saw together, and then denying she had been sleeping.  To the Andes mints, miniature Hershey bars and chocolate espresso beans she always had at the ready when we came for a visit.  
These are some of the memories of her that I will cherish – forever – because they fill me with love, and they make me smile and laugh through my tears.

This Rock is Big!

Sophie loves to climb on rocks.  She was especially excited about the rock in the photo, because it was a big rock, the biggest rock of the bunch.

I love the perpetual state of discovery that characterizes the daily activities of young children.  Sophie enchants herself with new findings all the time.  
The cause of such wonder might be as banal as a rock, or a ladybug, or a flower.  Or the music of a squeaking bed as she jumps up and down on it.  Or a new favorite book.  
Chloe, who is almost eight years old, is less inclined to find pleasure in the little things.  She’s getting to that age where she’s blase about her surroundings.  She shrugs her shoulders a lot. Or laughs at Sophie when her little sister’s excited reactions to the mundane occurrences of everyday life strike her as over the top.
Anyway, I’m enjoying Sophie’s enthusiasm for everything she encounters – because I know it won’t last forever.  

Getting Bigger

We bought the skirt Chloe is wearing in the photo about 18-24 months ago, I think.  At the time, it dragged on the floor.  She wore it anyway, even though it didn’t fit her properly, because she LOVED it.

She rediscovered the skirt the other day – she hadn’t worn it in quite a long time – and was thrilled when she realized that she must have grown several inches, because the skirt fell just below her calves.
She came running to show me – “Mommy, look – look at my skirt! I’m so much taller now!” she cried.  Her happiness didn’t last long, however.  
When we arrived at the local zoo, her mood suddenly changed.  No longer jubilant over her growth spurt, she started to moan and groan because she was cold, and her jean jacket didn’t have pockets.  Reminding her that she was lucky to have a jacket at all because she forgot to take one from the house after we had asked her to, she became predictably even more annoyed.
Until her loving father decided to sacrifice his own comfort for the sake of his daughter. With the magical jacket, several sizes too large, her arms suddenly sprouted like a gorilla’s and she was smiling again.

Around the Corner

Winter’s around the corner.  We brought the winter coats and accessories up from the basement (a most depressing exercise, if you ask me) so that we’re not scrambling to find warm outerwear come the first cold day of the season.

We sifted through a couple of garbage bags, revealing several lost gloves (mostly mine) and lots of mittens and hats belonging to the girls.  Sophie had a field day.  As you can see from the photo, she was extremely amused by the hats and scarves and gloves, and was running around the house last night in glee.
Part of her happiness was due to the fact that Chloe agreed to play the part of Sophie’s dog, obligingly getting on all fours, barking and drinking water out of a bowl.  Sophie LOVED that (and if she were older and able to understand the symbolism of having her older sister play the part of a subservient animal, she would have LOVED it even more) and Chloe, for once, didn’t mind doing what her sister wanted her to do.
The role-playing lasted through this morning, when I heard some more barking coming from the play tent set up in the living room.  
But the best part of the day came when Sophie asked Chloe to “make real.”  The irony of this request is one for the ages.  When Chloe was about three years old, my mom entertained Chloe on a regular basis by providing voices to Chloe’s dolls and stuffed animals.  Chloe couldn’t get enough of this, and would beg my husband and me to “make real” too.  Her Papa consistently refused to fall into the trap, knowing that if he did it once, he’d have to do it all the time.  I, on the other hand, was (and still am) a sucker.  I agreed to do it a couple of times, and all I remember from that time was having to “make real” on a daily basis to avoid Chloe’s temper tantrums.  For several months we were tortured with requests to “make real.”  It was a nightmare.
Anyway, Sophie recently discovered the joys of “making real.”  Though not as addicted as Chloe, she asked Chloe to do it earlier today.  And when Chloe finished, Sophie wanted more.  And when Chloe refused to continue, Sophie pitched a fit.  Chloe was not amused.  Needless to say, her father and I were not particularly sympathetic to our oldest daughter’s plight.  In fact, we couldn’t stop laughing.  What goes around comes around, my dear Chloe.  Ha. Ha. Ha.


I think I may have spoken to Nanny for the last time yesterday. Since our visit in September, her health has declined at a dramatic pace.  She was admitted to the hospital on Thursday, having suffered a heart attack and kidney failure.  

When I told Chloe about the situation, her immediate reaction was to get paper and markers, and make Nanny a get well card. Sophie, of course, followed suit.  I warned Chloe that Nanny might not have a chance to see the cards, but we mailed them anyway.
Chloe expressed hope that Nanny would leave her something in her will (thanks to Nancy Drew for raising my seven-year old’s awareness of testamentary inheritance), since no one has ever left her anything in a will before…
I spoke to Nanny on the phone yesterday, and she could barely talk.  She was trying to eat but was very uncomfortable.  I told her how much I loved her, and that the girls made her cards.  She told me what a wonderful granddaughter I’d been over the years, and it felt like we were saying our goodbyes.  
After Sophie and I returned from Florida in September, I had a feeling that our visit with Nanny would be our last.  There was something poignant about the energy she mustered during that long weekend – and I sensed that she was using all of her reserves to spend as much time as possible with Sophie.  I think that for those three days, Sophie took Nanny’s mind off her ailments, and helped delay the inevitable. 
She’s being moved into hospice this evening, and they’re going to stop her regular medications.  She’s still eating and drinking a little, but her body is shutting down.  My aunt and uncle are with her now, and I’m glad for that.  
We love you, Nanny, with all of our hearts.

Beauty Queen

Sophie is ready to enter her first beauty pageant.  Chloe put face paint on her the other evening – her eyes wore pretty blue shadow, her lips were glossed pink and her cheeks shone rosy red.

She struck this flirty little pose just for us.  And she was so very proud of her new look.  Chloe, the makeover artist, was proud of her handiwork, too.
Sophie loves pink (despite my best efforts to promote other colors), loves dolls – including Barbie (makes me want to puke), loves to wear dresses and jewelry (and gaudy jewelry at that)…and has boing-boing curly hair.  Needless to say, with every passing day, my suspicions grow that there was a mix-up at the hospital after she was born.  
If there was a mix-up, however, that’s ok.  Because Sophie is the cutest thing since Chloe.  She’s a keeper.

A New Dawn, A New Day

And I have just one word:

Ok – a few more words.  I am excited beyond measure.  To be able to tell Chloe this morning that we elected the country’s first African-American president – wow.  Obama brought people of all stripes together yesterday.  It was amazing. When I think of the hope that I suddenly have for the future – despite the wars and despite the economy – it gives me goose bumps.  
The Obama presidency opens the door to dreams of all kinds – truly nothing is out of a young child’s reach, if he or she aims high and works hard, and never gives up.  
Over the last four years, my use of the refrain “Only in America” was limited to bemoaning President Bush’s and his cronies’ stupidity.  I can now return to using that phrase as one of optimism and hope and wonder.  

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life