More Memories
Nanny is still alive. After yesterday, I thought for sure that I’d be taking a plane this morning for the funeral. I hope that when I’m old, I don’t have to go through what she’s going through right now. This prolonged death watch is just awful.
Nanny and Her Pacemaker
Against all odds, Nanny is still alive. Hanging on by a thread. We all thought she be gone by now, but her will to keep fighting is perhaps stronger than any of us imagined. She’s mostly unconscious now, and I don’t think she’s aware of her surroundings, but she’s still breathing.
This Rock is Big!
Sophie loves to climb on rocks. She was especially excited about the rock in the photo, because it was a big rock, the biggest rock of the bunch.
Getting Bigger
We bought the skirt Chloe is wearing in the photo about 18-24 months ago, I think. At the time, it dragged on the floor. She wore it anyway, even though it didn’t fit her properly, because she LOVED it.
Fashion Show Silliness
Around the Corner
Winter’s around the corner. We brought the winter coats and accessories up from the basement (a most depressing exercise, if you ask me) so that we’re not scrambling to find warm outerwear come the first cold day of the season.
I think I may have spoken to Nanny for the last time yesterday. Since our visit in September, her health has declined at a dramatic pace. She was admitted to the hospital on Thursday, having suffered a heart attack and kidney failure.

Beauty Queen
Sophie is ready to enter her first beauty pageant. Chloe put face paint on her the other evening – her eyes wore pretty blue shadow, her lips were glossed pink and her cheeks shone rosy red.