Date Night!

Thanks, Mom! Thanks for taking the girls off our hands for an overnight with Grammy! The timing couldn’t be better from my perspective. After a crazy week at work, it was so very nice to be able to come home to peace and quiet.

And my husband and I got to go out to dinner and a movie! Which is a true luxury and something we rarely do on the same day. Twice a year at most.

We had dinner among adults. We didn’t have to go to a restaurant that caters to noisy kids (although the restaurant we did go to happens to be noisy, with or without kids). And we only needed a table for two. And we didn’t have to color or play hangman or tic tac toe while waiting for our food. Do you sense my bliss and contentment?

And the kicker was that we got to watch a real movie (“Tell No One” – which was fantastic and in French, by the way)! And we didn’t have to share the treats! And we didn’t have Chloe sitting next to us talking incessantly and way too loud about the plot points. And there were no misbehaving kids kicking the backs our seats.

The joys of a vacation from parenthood, even if it’s just for 24 hours.

The 2nd Grade Teacher Placement

We just found out who Chloe’s second grade teacher is going to be. The name doesn’t mean anything to me at this point, because we haven’t heard anything about her.

I’ve already e-mailed the moms of a few of Chloe’s friends to find out who their kids have – and I hope that Chloe will have at least one buddy from previous classes with her this year.

Second grade starts in one week. The thought of having to get into a routine of making sure the homework gets done – my girl is a bit rusty on that score, I’m sure. We really liked Chloe’s teacher last year – she took extra steps to ensure that Chloe was sufficiently challenged. I hope the new teacher is the same way.

In the meantime, the last weekend of the summer approaches, and as I’ve written before, I feel like the weeks since June have flown by and I haven’t had much time to really enjoy it. It makes me a little sad. But as I write this blog entry, the girls are dancing to “Joy to the World” and they make me smile. From Chloe, who can’t shimmy to a beat but snaps her fingers really well, to Sophie, who jumps around like a clown, shakes her booty and falls off the couch onto the pillows on the floor…we really are lucky.

The girls don’t realize how much they cheer me up when I’m feeling down (and of course I would never tell them this lest they start using it against me) – just by being silly and happy and free.


Sophie and Chloe have finally figured out how to work together to make a human wheelbarrow. It took them some time, but Sophie – the strong almost 3-year old that she is – is now able to use her little girl arm muscles to move herself across the floor.

Chloe, for her part, is now coordinated enough (at least when it comes to wheelbarrows) to keep hold of Sophie so she doesn’t fall and hit her face on the floor. They make a good team.

Papa took them to the zoo today. Sophie’s favorite part was the snake display. She really likes snakes. I don’t know why. We already know that she likes to stomp and kill bugs. But she has a thing for snakes – their slithering, perhaps? I don’t quite get it myself.

On a totally different note, I’ve noticed that Sophie’s language skills have advanced a notch over the past week or so. She’s now starting to explain herself by using “because.” And she distinguishes between Play-Doh and regular clay. And she’s employing the word “really,” as in “Did you see any birds at the zoo today, sweetheart?” “No, not really.”

And we’ve settled on a clown for her birthday – a nice, gentle clown, who juggles, does magic, puts on puppet shows and makes balloon animals, including snakes. Just what a 3-year old crowd should love.

Crazy Nancy Drew Reader

That’d be our dear Chloe. Who started volume six of the Nancy Drew series on Saturday and who is now almost done with volume seven, a mere two days later!

She has become a voracious reader, at least of Nancy Drew. I’m trying to convince her to start reading the “Harry Potter” books, but because she’s the obsessive-compulsive daughter of an obsessive-compulsive mother, she likely won’t even seriously consider starting another series until she’s read all of the million (ok – the original series had 56 books; but there have been several spin-offs since which, according to Wikipedia, have produced at least a couple hundred more) Nancy Drews. Crazy, no?

On another note, I made some calls about procuring entertainment for Sophie’s birthday party next month. I should be able to check that off my list by the end of the week. I like the idea of a friendly clown who can do face painting, tattoos and balloons – there’s a “Colors” and a “Lickerish” who might fit the bill. Sophie would love that.

Almost Forgot! Sophie’s Turning Three!

Sophie’s not actually turning three for another month, but I realized this weekend that we have yet to give much thought as to how we’re going to celebrate her upcoming milestone.

Now that we’ve been through plenty of birthday parties with Chloe, I’ve decided birthday parties are highly overrated. We had cake with family members for Sophie’s first two birthdays. But this year, she was invited to a few parties, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to invite some of her little friends over for some fun. If we can get our act together in time.

Face painting? Balloons? Lizards? Puppet show? Little Gym? I might be able to enlist my husband to act like a French clown à la Marcel Marceau – which would be easy for him because it wouldn’t require any talking. My father dressed up as a clown for one of my brother’s birthdays many moons ago. He looked ridiculous, but I’m sure the kids loved it. At least those who weren’t scared out of their wits. Maybe dressing up as a clown isn’t such a great idea after all.

If I have any hope of booking anyone for the end of September, I better start making a lot of phone calls tomorrow…add organizing her birthday to the already-too-long to-do list. Ugh.

Except for the Shoes

Chloe, Grammy and I went shopping for back-to-school clothes today. All in all, a very successful outing. Except for the shoes. Chloe’s sneakers, pictured, are going to be her sole (excuse the pun) closed-toe pair of footwear for a while longer.

Chloe tried on at least 30 pairs of shoes in five different stores today. I felt as if I were reliving the crazy dress episode from last year (Part I here and Part II here), but there was no happy ending this time around. She tried on Vans, Nine West, Kenneth Cole and who knows how many other brands – to no avail.

Too tight, too loose, too much arch – you name it, Chloe found something wrong with every pair she put on her feet. She’s like freakin’ Goldilocks, except miss third-time’s-the-charm Goldilocks is easy compared to our dear Chloe.

The only pair she didn’t try on was the $209.95(!!!!!) pair of Prada shoes at Nordstrom. I was desperate, but I have my scruples. I suppose Manolo Blahniks for the tweener set will be next. Obscene.

For what it’s worth, I am happy to say that when as far as shoes are concerned, Chloe does not take after me. I have no patience for clothes shopping of any kind, so I tend to buy things quickly or not at all. However, her Papa is a pain in the ass when it comes to his precious feet. Too tight, too loose, too much arch – you name it, my husband takes forever to find a pair he likes. Which is perfect, because guess what? He’s on vacation next week and he’ll have ample opportunity to schlep his daughter around to every kids’ shoe store within a 15-mile radius. Because I’m done. Done, done, done.

Chloe, the Lanyard Queen

Chloe is driving me crazy. She’s in that arts & crafts phase again – and this time, it’s lanyards. I spent most of my morning before heading off to work learning a “brick stitch.” I really have no patience for this stuff.

A brick stitch is different from the traditional “box stitch” in that it’s two box stitches side by side. And it’s a pain in the ass because you have to hold all the strings together. And they get twisted. And, really, it’s not like I didn’t have better things to do with my time this morning than to spend 20 minutes looping string.

But I love my daughter. And I didn’t want to let her down. Because if I did, I knew I wouldn’t hear the end of it. So I finally did it for her, and she was happy and gave me a hug before I left (which, of course, she would not have done had I failed her in any way).

It’s now 12 hours later, and Chloe has decided that she wants to start a new lanyard all by herself. And she’s hemming and hawing, because “it’s impossible and dumb!” And she’s having trouble, just like me. And she’s voicing her frustration, just like me – except that I curse, of course, and she just cries.

I know my Chloe, however. She is nothing if not determined, and I have every faith that before she goes to bed, or at least by morning, she will have figured out what she needs to do. And if she doesn’t, I’ll start crying, too.

This Will Have to be a Quickie

I don’t have much time, because I have some work to do – ick. I really do need to start playing the lottery.

Aquawoman in the photo. You all know I’m going to harp on Chloe’s prowess in the water until I’m blue in the face. Pride is a sin, isn’t it? That’s ok – I’m a heathen and I don’t believe in that stuff anyway.

This is the future Natalie Coughlin. I spoke to the swim coach at our local YMCA, and while I’m not interested in Chloe joining a swim team where she has to practice a million days a week, I am interested in some of the more advanced coaching-type programs they offer. She’ll have to try out in September, and we’ll take it from there. As long as Chloe continues to enjoy swimming, I’m not going to begrudge her the opportunity to advance. If she’s happy, I’m happy.

Right now, Chloe isn’t too happy because she’s trying to learn a new song for the piano (or in our case, the little keyboard). She’s getting increasingly frustrated. No surprise there – she takes after her mother. She’s getting so frustrated, however, that I think she might actually turn purple and explode. Which wouldn’t be good, because then our hopes for a gold medal or two in 2020 would explode along with her.

Drama Queen

This is our little Sophie, who has become an expert at using facial expressions to show her dismay at any perceived slight, which usually involves one of her parents saying “no” to her.

In other cases, it involves Chloe’s doing something to displease Sophie, such as taunting her by stealing one of her toys, or sticking her tongue out at her – typical sibling stuff.

In yet other cases, it involves Sophie getting a little boo-boo.

Sophie takes the drama to a whole new level, however. Because before she makes a face like the one in the photo, she’ll give one of us a sidelong glance to gauge if we’re going to react to her in what she deems an appropriate manner.

For example, if she stubs her toe, she’ll look at her Papa before she starts shedding the crocodile tears. If he says, “Ma pauvre Sophie, viens voir ton Papa” (“My poor Sophie, come to your Daddy”), she’ll immediately start in with the fake crying and tragic facial contortions. That crap doesn’t pass muster with me, of course. Which is why we have two daddy’s girls on our hands.

I’m happy to give her all the hugs and kisses she wants, in sickness and in health. But cut me a break Sophie – save the drama for the real stuff – remember that little story about crying wolf?

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life