The stickers on this piece of paper are relics. When Sophie and her friend showed them to me the other day, I was rocketed back in time – back to 1982 to be more or less precise.
New Year’s Resolution Resolved!
True to my word, I have fulfilled my new year’s resolution. After three hours of pretty enjoyable labor (and with a crucial assist from Sophie), an album documenting our trip to France last summer was born. As an added bonus, I have recuperated a few more square inches of space on my desk.
Purging Paper to Ring in 2012
It sounds so exciting, I know. With an extra day off until Tuesday, I took it upon myself to clean my desk area today because piles and piles of crap had accumulated over the last few months. It was not a fun task and is not quite finished. Mainly because I have all of our photos from France still waiting to be placed in the lovely album I bought months ago just for that purpose.
Happy 2012
If this weather is a harbinger of the year to come, it’s going to be a very good year indeed (at least for those of us who have a distinct preference for warm weather). Contrast the photo above of Sophie on her scooter this afternoon – sans jacket – with this photo, taken on the same day one year ago.
The Thing Is
It isn’t Groundhog Day. But I feel a bit like Bill Murray in the eponymous movie. As I reflect back on the year, and read what I was writing about at this time last year, I feel like not much has changed. Not as much as I hoped, in any case. Unlike last year, there’s not a bit of snow on the ground and we didn’t have a trip to Vegas cancelled because of a blizzard. But other than that, things aren’t all that different from December 30, 2010.
Year-End Charitable Giving
We started a new tradition for the holidays this year. Chloe has been saving part of her earnings (from duct tape products, allowance and mother’s helping) for charity and what better time than now to make a donation.
To the extent there was a theme for this holiday season’s gifts, it was games. New family games would mean less time spent playing solo on our iPhones, iPad or iPod Touch. With that idea in mind, we shopped accordingly, seeking games that would please the girls and not make my husband or me crazy if we joined them in a round.
Christmas and Chloe’s Popcorn Rules
Here we are. At the end of a very busy, very happy Christmas day.
Santa left Sophie a note last night. She was very excited to know that he liked her drawings, ate her cookies and drank her milk.
Bubby’s Cookies
I promised Sophie that we would make cookies for Santa. Today was the big day. And what better way to welcome Santa into our home than to bake our Jewish Bubby’s butter cookies.
Sophie’s Presents for Santa
In my last blog post, I mentioned that Sophie had drawn some pictures for Santa Claus. I realized afterwards that in order for my loyal readers to appreciate the depth of Sophie’s devotion to the white-bearded fat guy, I’d have to post a photo of her artwork. These are not mere sketches. These drawings took time and contemplation and love.