Anticipating the Wrath of Irene

Update at 6:11 pm.  About 12 hours after writing my post below, it’s still calm here – other than some intermittent rain.  We’ve done all we could to prepare, and now we’re just in waiting mode.  Sweet Sophie, concerned about her stuffed animals, has hidden them underneath her bedcovers so they won’t be scared.

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Things That Go Bump in the Night

For the first time since she was a little, little girl, Chloe came into our bed last night after our new dehumidifer in the basement, which works well but is too noisy, woke her from her slumber and freaked her out just a little bit.  Which I totally understand, because we’re hamster-sitting this week and boy does he make a hell of a lot of noise at night, which freaks me out.  Especially at 3:30 AM, which is prime time for ghouls, goblins and other fantastical things that go bump in the night.

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It’s Quiet Again

It’s quiet at home again.  Mom took the girls to Cape May for the week (I still can’t get over the amazing summer they’re having), and so it’s just my husband and me in a quiet, quiet house.  We didn’t even bother going to the supermarket over the weekend because it’s just us.  And we’ll go out for dinner a couple of times.  Sweet.

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A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life