Chloe Writes and Writes

Chloe had her first gifted and talented creative writing class at the local university this morning and it was a resounding success. She loves her instructor, who reminds her of her second grade teacher. There are five other children in the group and they all encouraged each other as they read their oeuvres out loud. Chloe has the class over the next eight weeks, and I plan to reserve the Saturday blog entry for her creations.

The kids’ first assignment was to pick two common objects and write a story or poem about each of them in five minutes. Here are the fruits of her labor.

Clock, clock the time is a shock.
I wanted to be early but that is now out of the question.
So there is only one suggestion.
Which is to run, run as fast as light travels from the sun.
So I ran all the way and made it by the end of the day.
I went through the gate, but I was still late.
Shoes, shoes it rhymes with blues.
I know it has nothing to do with it,
or perhaps just a little bit.
Now I stop just to think of what to write next.
I hope the teacher will say “time is up”
because I can’t think of anything that rhymes with next.
She also has to write creative journal entries every day. Here’s her first one:
In dreams it seems everything is real.
Nothing is hidden by a dark encased veil.
You see odd things, some cause great scare.
You might think it is unfair.
It is not your fault and it is not your friend’s.
The only problem is you can’t put it to an end.

Sophie’s Princess Story

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Belle and she was mom’s favorite princess. But then a witch gave her poisonous apple and then she fell down and then a prince kissed her. The witch came back and turned the prince into a frog. The princess kissed the frog and then the prince turned back into a prince.

All the time the witch came back to the prince and she said, “Ha! Ha! Ha!” The witch turned the prince back into a dragon. The princess hugged the dragon and got itched. The prince hurt the witch and then the witch went far, far away and turned into a toad. But then she turned into a witch again. She went to a different princess story. Belle and the prince kissed. And they danced together.

Sophie’s Turn

Sophie was upset with me the other night because I deigned to write about Alubus, the dwarf hamster, and not her. I tried and tried to explain that I had just recently written about her and that her turn was coming up again next.

But she was having none of it. She was in tears because of my perfidy. It was only after I played the video of her as a baby standing up and falling down several times that she forgave me.
I’m glad to know that my blog is so popular with my girls. Even Chloe, who I was afraid would start showing signs of embarrassment if I continued to write about her, loves to read it and as all of my loyal readers know, sometimes even acts as a contributing editor.
I have to keep this blog going for as long as possible. Their enthusiasm about it won’t last forever and I need to milk it while I still can. So Sophie-bear, if you’re upset with me because I haven’t written about you three days in a row, just let me know. I’ll be happy to rectify the oversight.

No More Snow

We went sledding today. I am officially hoping that this will be the last we see of any significant snowfall this winter. Spring is three weeks away. I know I’m probably cursing the entire Northeast by so blatantly wishing for an end to this weather, but at the very least, I promise you two things:
(1) This is the last time I’m going to write about snow until next winter. I promise. Even if it snows another foot.
(2) That in my effort to end the talk of snow on a positive note, I have uploaded this very cute video of the girls sledding today. I went down the hill a few times, too. And there’s nothing like sledding down a slick hill to get a 41-year old mom laughing and letting go of all her recent stress.


Sophie had another gymnastics class at the Little Gym today. She is the strongest girl in her group, even though she’s not the oldest. She’s showing a real talent with the uneven bars – and is able to lift herself up and hold onto the high bar with her arms and legs and swing back and forth, back and forth. Like a monkey. Her teacher was very impressed.

The instructors also tried to teach the kids the basics of a cartwheel. That was funny. It’s going to take a lot of practice before one of the children can do it. Most of them ended up doing a bastardized version of a somersault. But at least they tried. And hell, who am I to talk. The last time I did a cartwheel I was probably about 12 years old. If I were to try again today, I’d probably break my wrists.
I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of progress she makes over the next few weeks. I have a feeling that she’ll be doing all sorts of neat things by the time the session ends.

Snow and Zygotes

First, the snow. The snow fell and fell. All day yesterday. All through the night. Until about 3 o’clock this afternoon. At least 15 inches. Probably more.

The girls could barely walk in the pile of white stuff. Sophie struggled mightily to remain standing. But boy did they have fun. The photo below also depicts the freaky French snowman (in a semi-melted state) I described the other day.

Continue reading Snow and Zygotes

No School!

Tomorrow is yet another snow day for the girls. Sophie is obviously very excited about a bonus day with no school. Chloe was excited too, until I told her she could not have a friend over for a sleepover. Some of us do have to work tomorrow, you know.

Our babysitter is sleeping over an extra night because we were concerned about her driving home. She’ll help us out tomorrow. Thank God! Because I imagine that once all is said and done, it’s going to be tough to get to the office in the morning. Working from home with the girls around is challenging. ‘Challenging’ is actually too diplomatic a word. If I’m being honest, as much as I love and adore my beautiful girls, I really hate working from home with the girls running around the house because my stress level increases exponentially when I’m trying to actually accomplish something job-related.
I truly suck at compartmentalizing. Calgon, take me away!

Where is the Sun?

I’ve always said that February and March are my least favorite months.  February 2010 will be remembered for way too much snow.  And now that we’re just a few short days before March, freezing rain is pouring down and there’s apparently more snow to come before the week is out.

I despise the winter.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  I think I was born to live in a place without winter.  Unfortunately, I have not yet fulfilled my destiny on the weather front.

Sophie did venture outside the other day with her Papa to build a snowman.  But he’s French, so he doesn’t know how to make a snowman.  The snowman had a bottom and a middle, but no top.  They made a mutant snowman.  They used milk container caps for the eyes and that was cute.  But the missing head is very disturbing.  I’m glad it’s starting to melt.

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life