Attack of the Killer Sophie

Sophie was in one of her funny moods tonight. Her word of the evening was an emphatic “no” every time we tried to talk to her, laugh at her or smile at her. She circled the dining room table like a shark, waiting to pounce on us for any perceived slight, or any hint that we were enjoying ourselves at her expense. Our daughter is extremely amusing, so she had occasion to pounce quite a bit.

Everything we said was “not funny.” She went on the attack against us, her tormentors: ” ‘tack you Papa.” ” ‘tack you Grammy.” ” ‘tack you Mommy.” ” ‘tack you Chloe.” I think she was actually confusing attack with tag. But no matter, she was in rare form, as the video demonstrates. And she was thoroughly egalitarian in her toddler scorn.

In addition to her role as killer Sophie, she also took advantage of her captive audience to rehearse for her future as a Hollywood starlet, assaulting Maxime with her tiny pocketbook as he tried to record her silliness for posterity. How we love you, Sophie!

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