Home Sweet Home

I was really happy to get home this evening, after an afternoon at work that involved two minor crises – the kind of crises that bother me because because I’m still new to the job, and I want to make a favorable impression, and I don’t need people thinking I don’t do my work well. The kind of crises that stupidly cause me to apologize to people, even when there’s nothing for me to apologize about.


Anyway, I’ll survive, of course, and I know there are bound to be bumps in the road as I adjust to the new job. But still, I hate days like this. The only bright side is returning home after a crappy day to two children who are excited to see me and think, at least for five minutes anyway, that I’m the best thing since sliced bread.

The greeting I received from Chloe and Sophie was almost enough to compensate for the down day at work. And now I’m watching “Survivor” with my big girl, and starting to let out big, deep sighs of relief as she cuddles against me. It’s all about keeping things in perspective, right?

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