Chloe’s Brilliant

“Brilliant.” According to her teachers. “She’s well-rounded in all subjects.” These things I believe. She’s always been a smarty-pants.

“She’s mellow and easy-going.” This I do not believe. Two adjectives I’d never ever use to describe my daughter, unless she was abducted by aliens and came back as Chloe II.

That said, her teachers had nothing but praise for my big girl. The only bit of criticism, if one can call it that, is that during class she sometimes sneaks peeks at whatever book she happens to be reading that day. Horrible, I know.
Her math teacher was so impressed by her math skills that Chloe now has the responsibility (which she’s never given to a student) of updating the sunrise/sunset chart every week. It tracks the hours of daylight on a given day, down to the minute. It’s a pretty intricate graph, but apparently Chloe mastered it with ease.
We’re raising a brainiac. Let’s hope she still thinks being a brainiac is cool when she hits her teens.

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