I’m Trying

I made a conscious effort today to enjoy my Sunday. And to avoid thinking about the Monday that was 24 hours away. I have a bad habit of anticipating the future too much. Which, of course, is a huge waste of time and a day.

But it was beautiful outside yet again. And I was determined not to let my usual habits ruin a perfectly lovely day. After going food shopping with Chloe this morning (I would have taken a pass but my daughter insisted on being her mom’s assistant), we had lunch and spent a good part of the afternoon outside. Chloe and I went on a bike ride, which served to remind me how out of shape I am. Chloe, however, is a much better rider than she was last year, when she swerved toward cars like a magnet and caused no small amount of terror in my heart. Her new bike is great and fits her like a glove.

We then went to the movies (“Diary of a Wimpy Kid” – brought back a few memories of the idiocy that defines middle school kids) and out to dinner. A very nice end to a very nice day.

My husband leaves for Tennessee tomorrow – gets his turn alone in a nice hotel room until Thursday. The week will be hectic, but I’ll get to read books to Sophie and cuddle both my girls even more than usual. This is me trying to look at the glass half full. I’m really, really trying.

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