Cards and More Cards

In my ongoing effort to stay away from the evil empire of computers, we’ve been playing lots of card games. The recently learned French games, like “Trou d’Uc,” as well as more traditional American games, like gin rummy. Chloe wanted to learn poker, but that’s not my forte. Blackjack, on the other hand…

This whole resolution to devote post-work, pre-bedtime hours to my girls has actually proven that they can’t get enough of us. Five rounds of cards with her mom aren’t enough for Chloe, because then she wants to play a different game with both her mom and dad. One round of cards with both of us isn’t enough because it’s less than two rounds. Sophie’s playing Legos with her Papa for 1/2 hour isn’t enough because then he abandons her to play one round of cards with Chloe and me.

As it turns out, overcoming one’s addiction to computers is not so easy – but it can be awfully rewarding. Because then you discover that your kids are addicted to you.

Almost one work week and several hours of computer time less, and counting…

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