I really missed Sophie’s hugs this week. And when she stepped out of my mom’s car this afternoon and gave me a series of huge hugs, I was overcome with happiness.
Over the course of the next few hours, she embraced me at least once for every day she was away. And not just three-second now-you-see-me-now-you-don’t hugs. Long cuddly hugs.
I can affirmatively say, without any hesitation or bias, that Sophie is the absolute best hugger I’ve ever had the chance to hug.
However, as much I would like to be able to say that this afternoon was nothing but Sophie sunshine and hugs, we also caught a few minutes of cloudy and cranky Sophie around dinnertime. That’s the Sophie I didn’t really miss all that much. But the storm didn’t last too long, and now she’s back to her jolly little self, finishing her salmon and couscous. Welcome home, my little one!