We Made It!

We left at 4:15 pm yesterday.  The only traffic we encountered was in New Jersey.  What a surprise.  Arrived in Richmond, VA at 10:30 pm last night.  We had a bad night’s sleep at a Holiday Inn and hit the road again this morning at 8:55 am.  We arrived at Hilton Head at 5 pm, after driving a total of 815 miles.

The most amazing thing about the trip was that the girls spent less than 2 hours of the 13 total we spent in the car watching video.  They played games, read and napped the rest of the time.  And didn’t fight too much, except over who would sit in the back row of the car.  They were, in all honesty, much better behaved than I anticipated and much better behaved than my brother and I ever when we were subjected to such long trips.

The weather forecast is promising, the pool is a 5 minute walk away and the beach is 10 minutes away.  I cannot wait to sit back, relax and build drippy sandcastles with my girls.  And try playing tennis again for the first time in about 20 years.

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