Kindergarten. The day is finally upon us. Little Sophie is starting kindergarten tomorrow at the tender age of 4 years and 351 days.
We will send her off on the bus in the morning, and quickly drive to her school to meet her in her classroom. We’ll give her a hug and kiss for good luck and be on our way.
We’ve hit many milestones with Chloe and Sophie over the last nine+ years. This is just another one in what will continue to be a very long line of firsts and lasts.
First smiles, first steps, first words, last diapers, last strollers, last jar of baby food, first bicycle ride, last preschool tuition check, first homework assignment, first somersault, first drawing, last car seat, first piano recital, first lemonade stand, first princess costume and last princess costume…the list goes on and on. The camera is in my bag so I can capture some images of tomorrow’s firsts.
These firsts and lasts make for a very full, very happy and very interesting life. And as much as I may complain about certain aspects of that life, and would like to tweak that life from time to time, I realize how lucky we are.