Hot and Sticky

We’ve gone from cold and rainy to hot and sticky in the space of just a few days.  Summer arrived with a bang, leaving spring in the dust.  In fact, we had no spring.

The weather is having an effect on Sophie, who has fallen asleep on the couch after school for two days running.  I don’t remember the last time she took a mid-afternoon nap!  We’re all feeling a little lazy because of the humid and hot weather.  We’re lucky, though.  Because there’s an end in sight – by tomorrow we’ll be back to late spring temperatures.  Unlike my brother and sister-in-law in Austin, who can barely breathe because of the heat and who are witnessing the slow and tortuous death of many a plant due to a severe drought that’s affected that region of Texas for months and months.

In the meantime, we’re about three weeks away from our big trip, and I can’t wait.  If I knew how many seconds remained before our departure I’d be counting them down with gusto.  Actually, I do know how many seconds.  Approximately 1,944,000 of them.  But that’s way too many.  Instead, I’ll just be happy counting the days and all of the things we need to take care of before we depart.  The payoff will be more than worth it, however.  Vive la France!

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