Au Revoir, Paris

Not to be outdone by yesterday’s adventure, I was determined to make our last day in Paris count.  We were out and about for 10 hours.  Below is the route we took today.  Again, click on the link below to see the entire map.  We walked about five miles.

From the Eiffel Tower (Sophie requested a close-up view)


To l’Hotel National des Invalides, Napoleon’s Burial Place


To l’Eglise Saint Germain des Pres


To the Pont des Arts – yes, those are padlocks you see attached to the railings, left there as markers by amorous couples from all over the world.


To the Musee de la Magie in the Marais, where we saw a short magic show and really cool props dating back to the 1700s, and on to Bastille, the symbolic site where the French Revolution began in 1789.


Our peripatetic day ended at the Place de la Nation, near the eastern gateway to Paris, where we ate crepes for our last supper in France.  Not quite the meal that my husband and I would have chosen, but the girls won the vote.

What can I say?  An absolutely amazing and unforgettable trip.  Not just for the sites, but more important, for the quality time I spent with Chloe, Sophie and my husband.  We’ve never had a month together like this.  It was fantastic.

I’m still not sure where I’m going to go from here. My heart is 100% certain.  It just needs to convince my head.  Although the head is leaning more in the direction of the heart, the heart still needs to seal the deal.

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