Is It Thanksgiving Already?

In my heart and mind, it is still summer.   I am still in France.  I am strolling through the streets of Paris, standing in snow in Chamonix with my family and speaking French 24/7.  Problem is, my heart and mind are off by about five months.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  Winter is sadly around the corner.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but there will be a smaller gathering at my mom’s this year, notable for the absence of my brother and sister-in-law.  She is currently undergoing radiation, which is the final stage of her cancer treatment, after chemo and surgery.  She’s getting closer to the finish line and her prognosis is excellent.  Now if that’s not something to be thankful for, I don’t know what is.

We love you two, and hope that we can all gather together soon.  In the meantime, I’ll have a few bits of  tender turkey and our aunt’s delicious stuffing in your honor.

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