Slumber Party Tomorrow, Oh My!

I thought that we had miraculously bypassed the mandatory tween slumber party thing with Chloe.  But, alack and alas, this was not to be.  Chloe decided that she wanted to host a sleepover for her and five friends for her 11th birthday.  This big event is tomorrow.  And I can’t wait until it’s over!

Don’t get me wrong. I am absolutely thrilled that Chloe has five friends to invite over for the night.  So when she asked if she could have a slumber party for her birthday, how could we ever say no?  But I’m dreading it.  It is going to frenetic and noisy.  Until well past my bedtime.

Timing is everything.  Sophie took it upon herself to wake up in the middle of the night this week – a few days in a row.  And when that happens, I just don’t sleep.  Which means that I am sleep deprived going into the weekend and because of the crowd in the house tomorrow night, I will not be able to catch up on my rest.

I’m considering a couple of options.  Sleeping in the basement where I won’t hear a thing.  Problem is there’s nowhere to sleep down there.  I could pitch a tent outside – but it’s still winter, despite the mild weather we’ve enjoyed.  I could go to my friend’s house – she and her family are going away for the weekend and I have their key and an open invitation.  Or I can just take an over-the-counter sleeping pill and hope for the best.

My fingers are crossed that Chloe has fun tomorrow.  That there’s no tween drama, just lots of laughs.  The good news is that since she’s getting the slumber party thing out of her system this year, maybe, just maybe, once will be enough.

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