Vacation, Vacation

Just a few short hours to go.  A morning of work to contend with tomorrow, and with a bit of luck and good planning, we should be on the road to Hilton Head by early afternoon.

We are determined to make it further south tomorrow before turning in for a night’s sleep – our goal is to cross the North Carolina border, which will leave us a much more manageable journey on Saturday to our final destination.

My brain is fried.  It’s been a marathon week of trying to wrap things up in the office, making packing lists and pretending to do the actual packing (i.e., throwing everything in a pile on the bed for my dear husband to put in a suitcase for me).

My head feels like it’s going to burst – I think it’s going to take a good week for me to start unwinding.  This vacation will truly feel like the calm before the storm.  It’s going to be crazy busy at work and our dear babysitter is retiring in October and I am still in denial about her impending departure.

I need to put time on a slow burn.  And I hope that at least for the next couple of weeks, I will be able to enjoy Hilton Head under the illusion that time has indeed slowed down.

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