What Makes Me Proud

We never got around to going around the dinner table to share what we were thankful for, because we were having too much fun eating.

But in the spirit of keeping Thanksgiving alive even though we stopped stuffing ourselves a couple of hours ago, following are a few of the things I’m thankful for this year (in no particular order).


(1) Sophie’s creativity and success in 2nd grade
(2) Chloe’s nascent cooking skills and fiercely independent streak
(3) My husband’s tolerance of his daughters’ and my craziness
(4) My continued devotion to this blog, after five years
(5) My mom’s art
(6) That my girls still like hanging out with us
(7) My sister-in-law beating breast cancer to a pulp
(8) My brother, for his devotion to and care of my sister-in-law while she was beating breast cancer to a pulp
(9) President Obama, for Obamacare and his support for marriage equality
(10) The American people, for sending Obama back to the White House for another four years and showing Romney that money cannot buy you everything.

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