Happy Valentine’s Day

Sophie was extremely disappointed that the clothes I picked out for her this morning consisted of jeans and a blue and green striped shirt.  According to her, I have absolutely no clue about how to dress for Valentine’s Day.  So my little fashionista picked out her own holiday-themed outfit today and made sure to wear a big heart necklace and two heart rings, and a new dress that’s meant for summer.  And lots of pink, of course.


Chloe, on the other hand, never would have dressed for Valentine’s Day simply because she hates the color pink and doesn’t own anything red.  However, it’s spirit week at her middle school and today’s challenge was to wear white, pink and/or red for the holiday.  Given the importance of the contest (the winning house gets a pizza party), Chloe deigned to wear one of her Papa’s pink t-shirts.  I wanted photographic proof of this momentous occasion for posterity, which she gamely provided.  Chloe has lived the “Pink Me Not” mantra every day since she was a little tyke.  It’s hard to believe she broke tradition just for pizza.   At least no one can accuse her of not being willing to take one for the team!


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