The task has been on my list of projects since I left my office job almost one year ago. The photo files on the computer. Almost 10,000 pictures memorializing our family’s adventures since 2006. Plus a few stray photos from many moons ago when my husband and I were kids ourselves, scanned for posterity in case the paper versions someday disintegrate into thin air. And lots and lots of garbage – blurry photos, duplicate photos, ugly photos – that have no business taking up valuable computer memory.
All posts by Pink Me Not Mom
Sophie the Mood-Changing Chameleon
If Sophie were a mood ring, she’d turn different colors with dizzying speed and without any warning. While she’s always been my happy-go-lucky little girl, her generally sweet disposition camouflages glimpses of something more sinister.
Everything Is Awesome! (When Super Truffle’s Not Resource Guarding)
Greetings to all of my furry and non-furry friends, dogs and humans alike (as well as humans who are furry and dogs that aren’t furry).
My favorite Sophie and human mom have seen “The Lego Movie” twice so far. And my human mom has been warbling the chorus of the film’s song “Everything Is Awesome!” to everyone’s great dismay. But the song is the perfect musical accompaniment for today’s blog post. Why, you ask? Read on, my loyal fans, read on.
Continue reading Everything Is Awesome! (When Super Truffle’s Not Resource Guarding)
‘O Spring, You Are a Merciless Tease
After weeks and weeks of misery (at least for those of us who hate the snow), spring shoved the winter aside for a couple of glorious days. The 55-degree weather has started to melt the mountains of white stuff, which makes for an interesting study in contrasts.
Risky Business
Not the movie. The game. Risk. Usually Chloe plays alone with her dad. But with Sophie at her friend’s house for a sleepover, I crashed the war for the first time. Chloe loves Risk. My husband likes playing the game because he always wins. After a few minutes of listening to the two of them interrupt one another to explain the rules to me, we dove into battle.
Happy Birthday to Moi, Super Truffle!
Hello, my friends. Tomorrow is a momentous day for me. I will be six months old. My human family tells me it’s not a real birthday. Whatever. They’re such Debbie Downers. I beg to disagree with them (and believe me, I’m good at begging). My human sister Chloe officially celebrated joining the Teenageddon army the other day, and now I am a terrible teen, too.
What Chloe Has to Say About Turning 13
Having started the tradition of interviewing Chloe for her birthday last year, here are her thoughts on finally entering the era of Teenageddon.
The moral of the story is that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Chloe did not look at last year’s entry before finishing this one and was surprised at how similar her answers were.
A Letter to Chloe on Her 13th Birthday
After years of acting like a teenager, Chloe has officially entered the realm of teenagers. It’s hard to fathom, especially since I can still see myself – as if it were yesterday – holding her as an infant in my arms.
Stop the Presses! They’re Getting Along
I’ve written about this phenomenon before. Once every year or two, Chloe and Sophie actually get along during their waking hours. It’s a rare occurrence. A bit like witnessing a total solar eclipse.
At the risk of jinxing this most recent episode of sisterly love, I find it necessary to document it on this blog now, lest the girls forget that there were times during their tender years when they didn’t fight.
A Boyfriend Conversation With My Kid
Fade in to a restaurant dinner scene. It’s family pizza night at Grimaldi’s. A Mom, Papa and their two daughters, Chloe and Sophie, are patiently awaiting their food. The camera pans in on the midst of their animated conversation about Chloe’s 12-year old male French cousin who has a girlfriend.
“What would you say if I told you I had a boyfriend?” asks Chloe.