We had two dwarf hamsters. We’re contemplating getting a dog, but we’re not quite ready to make the commitment. We don’t really care for fish or hermit crabs, and I do not like cats. But Sophie and I fell in love with Madison when we saw her at our local arts & crafts fair. Madison is the newest addition to our art collection and she’s a clock. Made by a couple from Ohio who collect antiques (their studio is called The Perfect View), dismantle them and recycle them into sculptures, Madison’s piece de resistance is her belly, which is made from a 1927 toaster. Her beautiful curls also come from the toaster. Her shoes were cobbled from ebony piano keys and her earrings are antique cabinet keys. There’s a feather attached to the second hand because time flies.
We started at the MoMA, scouting out works of art for a potential scavenger hunt for Chloe’s birthday. And going on a tour for tweens run by the museum’s education center. The programs are a terrific deal – if you attend one, you receive free admission to the museum and a free pass to use on a future visit for up to five people. Probably one of the best kept secrets in the city.
Today is officially Day 1, A.E. (After Esperanza). Yesterday’s goodbyes were tearful and bittersweet. But we know we’ll see her again soon. The girls were testy with each other last evening, and it crossed my mind that they were acting out because of Esperanza’s departure.
These photos say it all. One more day before Esperanza is officially retired. The next time she comes here, she’ll be visiting as a cherished family member.
There’s a chill in the air. We woke up this morning and it was cold. And damp. And it finally felt like fall. I like fall, but for the fact that it leads to winter. The temperature inside the house was at 62 degrees this afternoon. We hadn’t yet turned on the heat. It’s only October 8, for crying out loud.
Tarts, tarts everywhere. That’s what greeted us when my mom and I returned home this evening from a trip to the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia. Spectacular doesn’t even begin to describe the masterpieces on display in its rooms. For two hours (not nearly enough, mind you), I was transported back to my art history classes in college. It was mind-boggling.
The day I’ve been dreading is quickly approaching. As I’ve already chronicled on this blog several times, our dear babysitter, Esperanza, is retiring at the end of next week. As the fateful day approaches, my anxiety is nearing record-high levels.
It’s official. This blog post is number 1,300. Pink Me Not will be five years old next month. Other than my marriage and my kids, this effort to memorialize my kids’ lives is the longest I’ve stayed committed to anything.