All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

We Are Despicable Parents

Sophie doesn’t like being told ‘no.’ She detests losing at games. She hates it when we don’t pay exclusive attention to her. But most of all, she loathes it when she tasks us with selecting a bedtime book and we choose one that doesn’t meet her expectations. The list of perceived and real slights could go on forever, but I’ll save more examples for a future post.

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First Day of School in Pictures

Here is Chloe, the 6th grader.  In a perfect illustration of her straddling both child and teen, she asked Papa and me to accompany her to the bus this morning.  The request was surprising and endearing. About 2/3 of the way there, however, the bubble burst.  We noticed the crowd of kids waiting for the bus.  And the parents were nowhere to be found.  When Chloe saw this, she immediately turned to us and turned us around, physically pushing us back in the direction of the house.   I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

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