All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

More Sleepovers

Chloe slept at her best friend’s house on Thursday night (the lucky dogs didn’t have school yesterday).  She confessed to me today (actually, she mentioned it in passing and then I called her out on it) that her friend’s mom (who’s also a close friend of mine) took them our for an ice cream at 11 pm!  I don’t think I ever had a sleepover where the parents took us out for a late night ice cream run.  I was duly impressed.

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Sophie Has an Admirer

Our new next-door neighbors have a 2-year old girl.  So as not to infringe on their privacy, let’s call her Amelia, as in Amelia Earhart, because she is an adventurer.  She frequently comes to our house to visit.  By herself.  She’s even wandered into our house on occasion.  She’s very cute.  The first time she came to visit us, I thought it was because she coveted the play set in our backyard.

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Mother’s Day

My Mother’s Day actually started yesterday.  With breakfast in bed.  Pancakes, bacon, milk and orange juice, on a lucite tray I forgot we had, but which was perfect for this purpose.  Chloe, Sophie and Papa accompanied the tray upstairs, and announced its arrival with a clash of cymbals.  The girls made me terrific cards this year.  Colorful and creative.  The presents (outdoor dishes from Crate & Barrel and a new bluetooth headset) didn’t hold a candle to the cards.  It was a pretty cool way to begin a weekend devoted to me.

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