When I found out that Maurice Sendak died today, I was sad. I don’t tend to wallow in nostalgia when a famous person I’ve never met dies, but I made an exception in this case. Because when I heard the news, a little piece of the child left in me died with him.
We surprised Chloe this evening and pulled into the parking lot of a Verizon store. She suspected we were just going to look at cellphones again so that she could choose one to buy at the end of school next month. But following some exceptionally good behavior recently, we decided to advance the date of her graduation-from-elementary-school present.
I had a very good idea a couple of years ago, for a sophisticated, fun cultural app for families. It was a really good idea. I promise. But I haven’t done anything with it, because life is in my way. Work is too busy, the weekends are too crazy and I don’t have the time I need to devote to it.
This photo of Sophie embodies how I felt this morning when I woke up feeling almost like myself again. Weak and tired, but no more pain. I actually ate today. For the first time in days. Soup, rice and toast never tasted so good.
With a little bit of luck, I’ll actually be able to enjoy more than just the bread at Daniel on Saturday. But the best part about finally feeling like a human being again is that my little Sophie was willing to cuddle with me for the first time since last Thursday. Boy, did I miss those cuddles.
Well, so much for thinking I was getting better. I wasn’t. In fact, I got worse. Went to the doctor this morning who confirmed what I had suspected, which was that I had a nasty gastroenteritis. Which means that today’s lovely diet consisted of an appetizing mix of Gatorade, Pedialyte (didn’t think I’d see that in my house again until grandkids) and ginger ale.
For the first time in years, I left work early yesterday because I felt like crap. Aches, chills, nausea, low-grade fever, you name it, I had it.
At one point, I think I was even hallucinating. OK – I’m exaggerating, but I don’t remember much from yesterday afternoon and evening other than making several round trips to the bathroom and sweating a lot. I felt much better when I woke up. Still some residual nausea, but at least the fever, aches and chills were gone.
She’s traveled the five continents (on paper at least) and only has Africa to still conquer. Assuming she succeeds, she’ll get some kind of certificate at her school’s end-of-year awards ceremony that she can frame for posterity.
The pressure is on. Will Chloe be able to withstand it, or will she succumb? Only time will tell. I’m willing to wager a lot on the former. I’m confident she’ll prove me right.
But we can still reminisce about paradise by looking at the photos. Here are a final few that sum up our terrific week. I think it’s time to start planning our return to this heavenly place. Thanks, Club Med Punta Cana, for an amazing vacation!