All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Sophie Dancing…

I am sure that when you read the headline you thought you’d be watching a video of Sophie dancing.  Alas, you are going to be sorely disappointed.  I have two adorable videos – filmed last night – of Sophie dancing to some of Chloe’s music.  But Sophie is in a bad mood tonight and refused permission.  And I have to respect her feelings.  Because I’m her mom.

Continue reading Sophie Dancing…

Happy 11th Birthday, Chloe

It’s hard to believe.  She’s 11 years old.  Can’t I just press ‘pause’ on time? We gave her a small handbag for her birthday and I’m happy to report that she loves it.  I was concerned that she wouldn’t like what we chose, but she does.  It looks very cute on her.  It also makes her look even older.  Ugh.

Continue reading Happy 11th Birthday, Chloe

Girls’ Weekend

My best friend (my BFF according to Sophie), is getting remarried in March.  She’s keeping it simple – in fact, she’s essentially eloping with her fiancé.  But she still needs a dress.  And because I her self-appointed best woman (I refuse to use the term “matron of honor,” which is just so stupid), she and I are spending the weekend in New York to find something she can wear in front of her soon-to-be husband and the justice of the peace.

Continue reading Girls’ Weekend