I had the privilege of taking Chloe to see her first horror movie tonight. “The Woman in Black,” starring a post-Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe.
All posts by Pink Me Not Mom
I Cannot Wait Until My Kids Have Kids of Their Own
Why? you justifiably ask. Here are my top ten reasons (in no particular order):
1) The whining can’t be appreciated until you have the opportunity to be tortured by your own lifeblood’s curdling voice.
Continue reading I Cannot Wait Until My Kids Have Kids of Their Own
Sophie Dancing…
I am sure that when you read the headline you thought you’d be watching a video of Sophie dancing. Alas, you are going to be sorely disappointed. I have two adorable videos – filmed last night – of Sophie dancing to some of Chloe’s music. But Sophie is in a bad mood tonight and refused permission. And I have to respect her feelings. Because I’m her mom.
Banished, Part II
This is an update of my previous post, “Banished.” It is now 12:08 am and after a couple of hours of blissful quiet while the gaggle was watching a silly movie called “She’s the Man,” all noisy hell has broken loose.
Banished, Part I
The fun has hardly begun, and with only half of the expected crowd in the house, I have already been banished from the kitchen and living room, where Chloe and two of her friends are hanging out. I am currently in the sunroom, which I will likely also be forced to leave once the other guests arrive.
Slumber Party Tomorrow, Oh My!
I thought that we had miraculously bypassed the mandatory tween slumber party thing with Chloe. But, alack and alas, this was not to be. Chloe decided that she wanted to host a sleepover for her and five friends for her 11th birthday. This big event is tomorrow. And I can’t wait until it’s over!
The Cell Phone Obsession
This was the mostly one-sided conversation that Chloe had with me yesterday morning about her future cell phone.
Happy 11th Birthday, Chloe
It’s hard to believe. She’s 11 years old. Can’t I just press ‘pause’ on time? We gave her a small handbag for her birthday and I’m happy to report that she loves it. I was concerned that she wouldn’t like what we chose, but she does. It looks very cute on her. It also makes her look even older. Ugh.
When the Mom’s Away…
… Sophie and Chloe convince the Papa to make crepes. They certainly seem to have had fun. When I arrived home, Chloe was jabbering away. Non-stop. Sophie started jabbering at the same time. I started to get a headache.
Girls’ Weekend
My best friend (my BFF according to Sophie), is getting remarried in March. She’s keeping it simple – in fact, she’s essentially eloping with her fiancé. But she still needs a dress. And because I her self-appointed best woman (I refuse to use the term “matron of honor,” which is just so stupid), she and I are spending the weekend in New York to find something she can wear in front of her soon-to-be husband and the justice of the peace.