All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Sophie is Reading. For Real


Last night, Sophie read.  And read. And read. All of “Polly’s Pink Pajamas.”  As she progressed in the story, her smile grew wider.  She required very little help and took the time to tap out her words.  She was enjoying herself.

This is a huge milestone for our little baby.  And I am so proud of her.  If she remains this motivated for the remainder of the school year, she’ll be reading Harry Potter in no time.

My New Friend


I took this photo of Sophie with my new iPhone. It is one very cool device. I stayed up late last night to set it up and download all sorts of fun things. I also got to know Siri, my new personal assistant, to whom I am currently dictating this blog post. Siri is very helpful, although she doesn’t always understand what we ask her. She was, however, able to get me movie listings and the weather report. She did some addition for Chloe and told Sophie that her favorite color was greenish. Before my new toy I was already sleep deprived. My new friend is definitely not going to cure it.

Apple Picking


Papa took the girls apple picking yesterday.  I was working while trying to stay conscious in bed, sick as a dog for the first time in a couple of years.  I had a flu shot last Thursday and this is the second time I’ve become sick within a day or two of receiving the immunization.  Am I paranoid or is there something to that rather peculiar timing?

Continue reading Apple Picking

Chloe’s Guilt Trip

Last night, in an effort to convince us to play a game with her, Chloe righteously exclaimed, “I can’t believe you don’t want to play with me.  You both should be happy I want to hang out with you.  My friends don’t ever want to hang out with their parents.  You need to take advantage of this while you can, because when I’m 14 I won’t want to be seen with you.”

Continue reading Chloe’s Guilt Trip