All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Chocolate for a Good Cause

During a trolley tour of the town of Hershey today, we learned that Milton Hershey, the founder of the eponymous chocolate company, did not have children – so no heirs to his vast fortune.  Instead, at the turn of the 20th century, he and his wife founded the Milton Hershey School to serve orphaned boys.  After his wife died, he seeded the Milton Hershey School Trust with $63 million to ensure the future of the school; today, the trust is worth more than $7 billion and is the controlling owner of the privately held Hershey company.  Needless to say, the school is now one of the wealthiest private schools in the world, serving 1,900 underprivileged boys and girls in grades K-12.

Continue reading Chocolate for a Good Cause

1260 Calories

That’s the number of calories in the six (yes, count ’em) full-size Hershey Bars we received when we checked in at Hershey Lodge about 40 minutes ago.  Four because we are a family of four, plus two more attached to a cute birthday card addressed to Sophie and signed by 10 employees of the hotel.

When the front desk receptionist told us that she was going to give us a little welcome chocolate, I expected a Hershey’s Kiss or maybe a mini-package of Kisses.  Clearly, they are not particularly concerned with the climbing obesity rates in the U.S.  Welcome to the Chocolate Capital of America.

Sophie is Bored

Sophie is bored.  We are not paying enough attention to her.  “I’m annoyed by blogs.  I’m annoyed by everything.”  Even cuddling wasn’t enough for her.  She wanted to play.  What did she want to play?  I have no idea.  Because she wouldn’t say.  Coloring challenges didn’t enthuse.  Stickers didn’t excite her.  “You’re all busy and I’m not and it’s not fair,” she complained.

Continue reading Sophie is Bored

Who Can Resist This Face?


Sophie allowed me to put her hair back today for the first time in several weeks.  She also allowed me to change her earrings, after being traumatized by a somewhat worrisome experience in France when one of her earrings actually embedded itself inside her ear.  Yes, that sounds gross and it was gross, but it’s all in the past.

And all is better now.  Sophie’s wearing lovely blue sterling silver earrings that I bought for her as a pre-birthday gift and has her hair up so that she can show off her lobes.  She’s a picture of perfection at almost six years old.  And she still loves to cuddle.