Before I begin, this a photo of Chloe with our beloved babysitter, who’s been with us for eight years. Sophie decided to be camera-shy when I took the picture, but that’s ok. We’ll get her another time.
A New Room (Almost)
I Have a Headache
I love my girls. Really, I do. But between Chloe’s screeching sound effects that prevent us from hearing ourselves think, and Sophie’s blood-curdling screams every time Chloe does something to offend her, I am going to quickly become a major contributor to Tylenol’s bottom line.
Piggyback Ride
Chloe gives Sophie piggyback rides. And now Sophie gives Gloup and Alubus piggyback rides.
Sparkly Witch
Au Revoir, Harry Potter
We heard the patter of not-so-little feet last night at 10 pm. As they made their way down the stairs, we knew it was Chloe. She approached us with a bittersweet smile on her face and asked “Can I stay up to finish Harry Potter? Please? Please?” She had made it to the epilogue of the final tome – how could we say no?
On January 20, we may be inaugurating a new president, but in equally exciting news (at least for our family), Sophie will be starting preschool – three mornings a week. So that she’s all ready for full-time pre-K in September. She’s constantly talking about her little friends who are going to school and smiles whenever she mentions it.
Better Late Than Never…Hanukkah 2008

I Should Have Known Better
It was inevitable, I suppose. I should have listened to my brain last night before I went to sleep because it was screaming, “Take some sleeping pills, you dope!” Needless to say, I didn’t heed my brain’s sage advice, and I spent half the night fighting insomnia, thinking about all of the work stuff I had avoided thinking about during my vacation. The upside to this was that I arrived at work this morning knowing pretty well what I needed to do. The downside is that I felt like puking all day long from lack of sleep.