Sadly, tomorrow is around the corner. Which means it’s back to work. Tomorrow marks my year anniversary at the firm. Time flew.
Hamster in a Ball
January 1, 2009
Here we are closing in on the end of the first day of 2009. It was a fairly uneventful day, as I’ve found most New Year’s Days to be. We lounged around in our pajamas until 11 AM, played board games and I escaped for a couple of hours to check out the sales at the mall – a disappointing excursion that didn’t yield much, except for two very cheap pairs of pants from J. Crew.
Au Revoir 2008
This is how we’re ringing in the new year. With a demolished sunroom that was collapsing because a previous owner didn’t bother to pour a foundation when it was built. The good news is that it’s now on its way to being cured. The bad news is that we have to do rebuild it in the first place. At least one thing is sure about the imminent arrival of 2009: it will be memorable for the new and improved room.
Our Hamster Friends
I have discovered the best new punishment ever (ignore Chloe’s smile in the photo). All you need is large cellophane bag and a vacuum cleaner. You put the misbehaving child into the bag, turn on the vacuum, and voila! Instant immobility.
Does One Night a Pattern Make?
For the first night since before I turned 40, Sophie slept. Quietly and peacefully. Without waking up once. I woke up this morning and slowly realized that we didn’t have a little Sophie in our bed and that I had no nightmarish memory of my husband or me sleepwalking into her room in response to her screaming pleas.
Ho Ho Ho!
It Wasn’t Even Officially Winter…
…when it snowed last Friday. I really do not like winter. And the fact that we’ve enjoyed fairly mild winters these last couple of years makes me nervous that the recent snowfall is a harbinger of what’s to come over the next three months.