Chloe now watches old episodes of “Saved by the Bell.” What a dumb show. I can’t believe it was on TV for four seasons. So many mullets! And Mario Lopez! And Elizabeth Berkley pre-“Showgirl” infamy!

“Zoey 101” isn’t that bad, actually. Jamie Lynn Spears’ character is smart and good-hearted. There are a lot of worse shows for kids out there, I suppose. And there’s nothing funnier to Chloe than watching a kid jump around like a maniac with a rat in his pants.

Hillary and Barack are debating tonight. It’s likely to be Hillary’s last chance to build up support. It’s not looking good for her. Barack seems impermeable to criticism. Kind of crazy. I’m disappointed (not just because I donated quite a bit of money to her campaign). Assuming he makes it through to the nomination, it will be interesting to see how he fares in the general election against that old geezer McCain.

Oh My God!

No, that exclamation is not because my girls did something amazingly incredible or amazingly stupid. No, those words came directly from Sophie’s mouth.

It’s her most recent favorite saying, whenever she makes a new discovery or sees something that bothers her. “Oh my God! Oh my God!” Over and over and over. Pretty soon she’ll be sending herself text messages: OMG! OMG! Over and over and over. But for now, she’s limited to expressing herself out loud.

Sophie wore a skirt for the first time in months the other day. She was very proud of her new look – and asked to view herself in the mirror. When she saw her image, she smiled. Broadly. Gleefully.

I guess the skirt thing goes hand in hand with the Barbie obsession I wrote about the other day. Come to think of it, however, she hasn’t asked to play with them since Saturday, so maybe the fad is on the decline. One can only hope.

In the meantime, my big girl is wearing lip gloss every chance she can (while hoping I won’t notice), and my little one outfits herself in sunglasses and skirts, and proclaims her favorite color is pink. Oh my God.

Oh, the Horror!

Sophie has discovered Chloe’s old Barbie dolls. It’s appalling. But I’m going to keep as calm about it as I can. If all goes well, Sophie will know (and will be repeating to others) that I don’t approve of that ridiculous doll. But for now, I’m cool.

She wanted to play “dolls” earlier. That’s her newest thing – to play dolls. Where she got that from, I have no idea. Perhaps from Monday visits with her friends at her babysitter’s house. I’ll have to find out if the other little girls talk about playing dolls. It’s certainly not from Chloe.

I tried to keep the Barbie episode lighthearted – the Ken and two Barbies danced and shook their booties to a silly made-up song. But inside, I was a wreck. She’s a girly girl. Her favorite color is pink. She has taken to looking at herself in the mirror when she’s wearing a skirt, admiring herself and exclaiming, “I’m beautiful.”

Have to give her credit – she’s developing a good self-image. And it certainly is endearing when she says, “Look in miwah…I’m bootiful.” But Barbie? I’m thinking it might be time to inaugurate the fireplace. It’s a little late in the season, but I’d wager that Barbies make great kindling.

The Toilet

Sophie is getting better and better using the toilet. In fact, she’s dry most of the day now. And she tells us in advance when she needs to go.

Chloe was less interested in making the potty her friend. She was well over three years old before she started to get comfortable with it. And yet, for all their differences, Sophie has a lot in common with her sister when it comes to the toilet.

When Sophie sits on the throne she likes to get naked. That’s odd in of itself, except that what’s stranger is that a few years ago, Chloe used to do the same thing. It must be in the genes (not my genes, but maybe their Papa’s).

Sophie also likes to spend an inordinate amount of time on the toilet. Waiting and waiting. Even after she’s already done her business. She stays glued to the seat, while we’re twiddling our thumbs waiting to be able to wipe her butt.

She’s wearing real underwear (Dora the Explorer, of course) over her training diapers now. She will be completely trained in time for the pool club this summer – I know it. I just hope we don’t spend the summer in the pool club’s bathroom…

A Whale of a Time

These muscle shirt photos crack me up. The girls look so funny in them.

Anyway, Chloe and Sophie made their daily pilgrimage to visit our babysitter in the attic after dinner (our babysitter sleeps over a couple of times a week). They do this every night she’s here – and they proceed to spend time running around the room, jumping on the bed, pretending to fly (not such a great thing to encourage in Sophie’s case, since I don’t think she really understands that people can’t fly. We wouldn’t want her to test it out from a perch that’s taller than she is) and having pillow fights.

But they were having so much fun tonight – they were euphoric, really. Simple play, simple fun. Care free and happy.

And Sophie is a really good jumper. We have a little ottoman in the attic, and she jumped off of it and landed on her two feet every time. Chloe never did things like that when she was Sophie’s age. Sophie is much more of a risk-taker than her big sister, who has always been cautious. It’s a first-born thing, I think.

Silly Geese

These are my silly geese. My father used to call me “silly goose” all the time, and now my girls are the silly birds.

This is a photo of Chloe and Sophie being particularly silly. Shaking their booties, and dancing on the coffee table to music playing solely in their heads.

They were also playing “ghost” that evening. It’s a new game, a variation of running around the house. Papa has to participate because he’s the ghost. He puts a blanket over his head and chases after them. If I watch them too intently, especially Sophie, who is like a whirling dervish, I get dizzy.

Sophie apparently has a beau. He’s a bit older than she is, but they had a date at the park today. According to our babysitter, it went very well. They hit it off so well, in fact, that the chaperones accompanied them to McDonald’s for lunch. Sophie enjoyed sharing her chicken nuggets with him. It sounds like they’ll be seeing more of each other. I think we’ll meeting his parents soon.

And as a coda to the Webkinz scam story of the other day, the assistant principal at Chloe’s school spoke to the girl’s father, who promised to mete out punishment. In the meantime, the girl freely admitted what she had done, and apparently saw nothing wrong with it. She simply needed to replenish her Webkinz dollars and was obviously too lazy to play Webkinz games to earn her own money.

Muscle Shirts

Sophie struck the perfect pose in this photo – the “muscle shirt” pose. They’re both wearing new pajamas – and had I known they looked like that, I might not have bought them.

And by the way, I did not instruct Sophie to pose in that manner. She thought of it all by herself.

When I saw her do that, the Village People immediately came to mind. Except her arms aren’t as toned as theirs were.

She had her biannual checkup the other day and she’s doing well. Needs to eat more iron-rich foods – spinach, anyone? – and gained a little more weight than she should have, but otherwise she’s perfect. We’ve put her on a diet. Just kidding. But we are watching her daily intake a little more closely. She’s much more active than Chloe was at her age, so I’m not too concerned. But still, we do want to be careful.

When we told the doctor we weren’t planning to start her in nursery school in the fall, the doctor (whom we adore) could barely contain her disappointment. “She’ll be three, you know. It’s important for her to start socializing…” We didn’t tell her that we weren’t ready to spend money both on a babysitter (which we’d still need pretty much all day) plus preschool – even if it were part-time. Sophie is getting plenty of stimulation when she spends time with her little girlfriends at our babysitter’s house on Mondays. And God knows, she’s getting more than enough stimulation from Chloe. And from TV (but we won’t mention that).

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life