Snow Day!

Our first snow day this year. I had to go into work this morning because we were interviewing a candidate for an open position, and she was determined to make the appointment. It’s good that she came, because we liked her a lot. The office closed at 2, so I came home early and found my husband and the girls playing in the snow.

When Sophie went inside with her Papa for her daily nap, Chloe and I stayed outside and tried to go sledding. It didn’t work so well. I gave Chloe a laughing fit when I fell flat on my face. We then decided to build a snowgirl. Chloe did a terrific job of preparing the body. We used peppermint patties for the eyes, a carrot for the nose, and big weeds for the arms (with the roots of the weeds for fingers) and mouth. Chloe also made a snow bow for the snowgirl’s head.

I had a terrific time, and Chloe was enchanted. And I actually think that most of her enthusiasm stemmed from the fact that I was making the snowgirl with her.

I’d post a photo of our sculptural masterpiece, except my dear husband broke our camera the other day. Fortunately, his birthday is coming up soon. So much for the seltzer maker he wanted – I’ve already ordered a new camera.

She Loves Me! She Needs Me!

I finally have the proof. Yesterday, Sophie woke up from her nap in a horrendous mood. Our babysitter was stymied. Hugs didn’t work, soothing words didn’t work, singing didn’t work.

Until…our babysitter picked up the phone and called me. At first, I was scared. She rarely calls me at work. Hearing the crying didn’t help matters. After she explained the problem, she put Sophie on the phone.

Sophie doesn’t yet really understand the phone. But she certainly recognizes my voice. And I started to talk to her. I couldn’t physically hug her, but I started to soothe her with my words, and yes, my horrendous singing. I tried to do it as softly as possible, since my office door was open and I didn’t want to scare my colleagues.

Lo and behold, after a few minutes of mommying, there was silence at the other end of the line. Beautiful, beautiful silence. I honestly think this is the first time I managed to calm one of my children over the phone. I was happy and proud. And for the rest of the afternoon, I had “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” ringing in my head.

My Big Girl

Chloe is definitely going through some kind of difficult stage. Do the terrible 7s exist? If not, I’m officially coining a new term: the “sucky 7s.”

It’s been challenging over the last few days. Having her home from school doesn’t help. Kids should be in school all year long, with just a day off here and there. Not too many days off in a row, because that’s when they start going bonkers on you.

It’d be easy to attribute her recent behavior to my return to work. But that’d be giving me too much credit. So I don’t know what it is. But it’s tough, and it’s not much fun. And we’re at a bit of a loss as to how to handle her.

Mind you, although I’m complaining about her, she really is a big-hearted, loving child. But she just takes things so personally, and gets frustrated so easily. It can’t be hormones – we have a few more years before that, I hope. Although maybe she’s suffering from some premature aging disease…

Chloe is a lot like me. A lot like I was at her age. And I wasn’t an easy kid. But I wonder, could she have really inherited all of my annoying genes? That may be part of it. She must also be taking cues from us. But I’m a bit at a loss.

Parenthood can be so frustrating. For every step forward, I feel like we take a few steps back. I hope that her special papa day tomorrow will set her straight – at least for the next week.

A New Dawn, A New Day…

…And I love my girls again. It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep and a day away from them does for the soul. Especially after their craziness yesterday.

They were back to their cute selves tonight. Happy to see Maxime and me, dancing and singing, and most important, smiling.

It helped that they spent a nice day with their grammy, going to a show – a musical version of “Rapunzel” – and having chocolate chip pancakes and French toast for lunch. I mean really, if that doesn’t put them in a good mood for at least a couple of days, I don’t know what will.

Chloe is off from school tomorrow and Wednesday. Wednesday should be a good day – her papa is taking off to spend some one-on-one time with her. Tomorrow is a bit of a question mark. No real plans, although she’s tried to get in touch with some friends to arrange a playdate. But a lot of her classmates are away for the Presidents’ Day weekend. So the makings are there for a meltdown.

On the other hand, Sophie will probably be thrilled. In her little eyes, the potential for fun with her big sister is infinite. At least until they start fighting. Our babysitter is going to have her hands full – and I will be sure to wish her much luck in the morning.

Meet Jim-Jim

Jim-Jim is a guinea pig. Jim-Jim belongs to a friend of Chloe’s from school, and we are guinea pig-sitting him for the next week.
Chloe, of course, is thrilled. Sophie thinks Jim-Jim is a mouse, but no matter. A rodent is a rodent, no?

Actually, Jim-Jim (short for Jiminy Cricket) is kind of cute. He’s pretty low maintenance. Only requires hay, pellets, water, lettuce, carrots and orange slices to be happy. He also likes grapes. He lives in a fairly spacious green house cage, with a wooden box inside that serves as his bedroom.

We’re all a little nervous – this is quite a bit of responsibility for us. Raising kids is one thing. Raising a guinea pig is another matter altogether. I was tempted to ask the friend’s dad for the name of their vet. But I restrained myself. Didn’t want to unnecessarily worry them. Besides, they probably don’t have a vet.

Anyway, one day down, eight to go. So far, so good.

Hula Girl

Chloe had her annual school play today, called “A More Beautiful World.” It was very cute. Awfully long, but very cute. Chloe’s class’ scene took place in Hawaii – and the kids did a hula dance and sung a hula-ish song.

I know this is an extremely crappy photo. But it’s the best I could do with my little camera. So you’ll have to take my word for it that if you look hard enough, you might be able to spy Chloe in the second row. I tried filming some of it, but the little movie was a mess.

Chloe was in heaven because she got to wear a bathing suit, a hula skirt and a lei. Surprisingly, she danced to the beat of the music fairly well. And she sung, too. After the play, the class had a “luau” party. With pizza. I don’t quite get the connection myself, but I guess it was doubtful the kids would eat roast pig.

Luckily, I missed the party (had my fill of them when I was enjoying life as a non-remunerated professional mom). But I made my mom take Sophie. Chloe was thrilled to have her Grammy there, and Sophie loves spending time among the big kids.

Chloe told me that the boys were trying to catch glimpses of the girls changing out of their bathing suits, and it sounds like some of them actually succeeded. Chloe wasn’t too fazed by this (which is actually quite disturbing, now that I think about it), because she said at least she saw one of the boys changing out of his costume. That, of course, made me feel a lot better.

I can’t wait until next year.

Happy Valentine’s Day

This is Sophie giving us attitude. She’s been doing that a lot recently. From imitating all of the things we wish Chloe wouldn’t do, to finding her own ways to annoy us to death.

This face, however, was more of a Sophie being silly face while eating a Valentine cupcake. It’s truly thrilling to see what new things she going to do everyday – whether she surprises us with new verbal skills, or acts even more closely like her monkey cousins with her climbing skills – even discovering what pisses her off is somewhat entertaining, once we manage to distance ourselves from her tantrums.

Now that Sophie so eagerly apes her sister, the pressure is on Chloe to behave. But for a 7-year old, that mandate is especially difficult. At dinner, Chloe got up to get a napkin – but she didn’t simply stand, walk and retrieve. She stood, danced (and shook her booty) and eventually retrieved. During which time, Sophie, who usually thinks her sister is the best thing since sliced bread (except when Chloe hits her), stood, danced (and shook her booty) and retrieved nothing.
For a few minutes, dinner devolved into a dance contest.

What to do? They were too cute to get angry. And they did eventually sit back down and finish eating. My husband and I lost control over our girls for a pretty delightful five minutes or so. It wasn’t the first time and it definitely won’t be the last. The joys of parenthood.

Lego Mania

Chloe has rediscovered the joy of Legos. She played with them when she was younger, but until today, she hadn’t tinkered with them in at least a couple of years.

And then, surprise, surprise. When I arrived home earlier tonight, the Village People were waiting for me! OK, not really. But tell me her sculpture doesn’t make you want to sing and dance to “YMCA.”

The unanimous favorite was the clown on the right. Papa knocked over the construction worker on the left, but Chloe handled it extremely well. No tears, no screams. She calmly put the little guy back together and was evidently very proud of her creation.

I love it when Chloe creates something and is proud of what she’s accomplished. It was a great way to end the day.

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life