I’m Watching the Clock

On Sunday, I abandoned my husband for the afternoon to go to the theater with my mom. We saw “August: Osage County,” which was excellent. But it was a veeerrrry looonnng play. So I didn’t get home until almost 7:30 pm.

During one of the intermissions (yes, there were two of them), I called home to make sure that he bought the girls the right kind of shoes – their activity in my absence was shoe shopping. Chloe picked up the phone and she informed me that Sophie was taking her nap. I asked to speak to Papa, and she informed me that Papa was taking his nap.

Okay, I thought – not quite the Papa/daughters day I had in mind. I asked her, “What are doing?” She cheerfully replied, “I’m watching the clock.” As if this was some kind of legitimate activity, like coloring or drawing pictures or reading. I had to stifle a laugh. It turns out my dear girl was under orders from her father to wake him up in “10 minutes.”

As I continued to imagine the scene – Chloe sitting on the couch in the sunroom watching the clock on the Verizon FIOS TV box – as if it were the most normal thing in the world, I couldn’t stifle my laugh anymore. This girl can’t sit still for one minute without clamoring for someone to do something with her, yet she sounded perfectly content waiting on for time to advance when I spoke to her. Watching the clock…for crying out loud!

The Girls Are Back!

Chloe and Sophie evidently missed hamming it up for the camera. Needless to say, they made up for lost time today. Here are two of the sillier shots, taken this morning after my husband opened his birthday presents, which also included a seltzer maker called the “Fountain Jet” donated with love by my mom. The girls loved that. Because it makes funny noises when the CO2 gets added to the water.

We had an activity-filled day. Went bowling this morning. Sophie enjoyed it, Chloe didn’t. That’s because we needed to help Sophie roll the ball down the lane. As a result, her score was better than Chloe’s. Chloe was upset about that. So we only played one game.

Earlier this evening, all of us went to the YMCA for family swim. The girls really enjoyed it. And we did too, until we realized how cold it was outside the water. Then we had to wait, dripping wet, for one of the two family changing rooms to become available. Why they only have two such rooms is beyond me. Oh well. We survived.

This photo to the left is Sophie pretending to be one of her stuffed animals. Isn’t it nice to have a camera again?

The New Camera Has Arrived!

Here it is. My new favorite toy. The box arrived today – a brand new Canon PowerShot 570IS. The broken camera was very similar to this one, except an older model.

Maxime hasn’t yet opened the box, but we will start using it tomorrow. Can’t wait. I missed a lot of “moments” this week, no thanks to my dear husband – who will officially be only one year away from 40 when the clock strikes midnight.

I love this camera already. And my loyal readers should be happy too. Because starting tomorrow, I should have a host of new photos of the girls. And even though this is technically his birthday gift, I consider this gadget to be 80% mine. All the more so since I never did get a birthday gift from him. That’s actually not entirely true. He got me jewelry, and I didn’t like it, so we returned it. He hasn’t replaced it. Probably because he’s still simmering about the fact that I didn’t like his gift. Oh well. Life is tough.

More Oldies But Goodies

No new camera yet. It’s Murphy’s Law. Whenever you order from Amazon.com and don’t need it quickly, it comes the next day. When you need something urgently, it takes forever.

I ordered the camera on February 20. That’s eight days ago. They’re estimating arrival on March 4. I mean, really. It’s not as if Canon had to produce a special order for my dear husband. The camera was in stock.

So, this is a photo of Sophie when she turned one. She’s changed a lot since then. Especially her hair. Went from baby-wavy to crazy-curly almost overnight.

This is Chloe about one year ago. Showing off the two front teeth she had just lost. She looks so much younger here. More innocent. She still behaves like a toddler sometimes, but she no longer looks like one.

Today, she impressed us with knowing what the prefix “pre” means. In the context of Pre-K, she said that it meant before kindergarten. When we told her that it came from Latin, I wasn’t sure she knew what Latin was. But she confidently responded that it was a language. When I replied that it was indeed a language, but that it was a language no one spoke anymore, she said, “That’s not true. I speak Latin – pre-K is Latin!”

Long live Latin!

A Trip Down Memory Lane

As my faithful readers know, I don’t have anymore current photos of my girls to post to this blog.

These pictures, as the observant among you may have already noticed, are old. In fact, they date from Christmas 2006, when we spent the holiday with my husband’s family in Paris.

Chloe was a lot shorter back then. And Sophie didn’t yet have curly hair, and had just started to walk.

Sophie discovered potato chips in Paris. Of the thousands of culinary delights to be discovered in France, potato chips in Paris. It’s shameful, really.

It was a wonderful trip, though – not easy traveling with little ones, but fun nonetheless. I’m not sure when we’re going to make it back. Certainly not this year, but maybe next. And when we do return, I want to take the girls to Talloires, a small town on Lake Annecy in the French Alps. That’s where my husband and I first met almost 19 years ago.

I think they’d like it there. It’s beautiful. Nestled in a valley, surrounded by mountains and pristine water. It would be the perfect place to go to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary (!) in 2009 , not to mention our 40th (!!) birthdays.

On the other hand, why in the hell would we bring the girls with us to celebrate those milestones? We’ve never had a real vacation, just the two of us, since the girls were born. That’s seven years!

Mom – mark your calendar now. We’re dumping them with you for a week next year.

Sorry, No Photos

Yes, my friends. No photo of the girls tonight. The camera finally shipped today. But it’s not scheduled to arrive until March 4. Too bad for you and too bad for me. A little bad for my husband, since his birthday is on March 1. I don’t have much sympathy for him, however.

In today’s news, Chloe and Sophie were monkeying around under the attic bed. When Chloe tried to crawl out, her cheek touched what looked like a dead bee. She freaked out, screamed that it hurt. She actually had a little mark. But unless the bee had only been dead a few minutes, she couldn’t have been stung. She’s fine. We put some ice on her cheek, and there’s no swelling. If nothing else, she has a good story to tell her classmates tomorrow.

On another note, we received official notification that we’ve been accepted into a swim club for the summer. It feels a bit like we’ve won a popularity contest. They like us, they really, really like us.

On yet another note, how can it be that our cable company (Verizon FIOS, which I’m generally very happy with) doesn’t offer MSNBC – a news channel, for crying out loud? I wanted to watch the Democratic debate tonight (which might be Hillary Clinton’s last hurrah) and can’t. I am mighty pissed. I hope she does well tonight, but I’m afraid that even if she does, it will be too little too late…

I Need Our Camera!

I mentioned in one of my recent blog entries that my husband trashed our camera the other day. I immediately ordered a new one – for his birthday, no less – but it still hasn’t arrived.

And I am desperate. Without the camera, I’m helpless to post new photos to the blog. And I know how much my five or six loyal readers enjoy seeing pictures of the little monsters.

So, if you’ve already seen this photo of little Sophie, please forgive me and blame my husband. To make matters worse, he broke it while trying to take photos of the girls drowning in a sea of stuffed animals on our living room floor. But that mess is now long gone. An opportunity for cuteness lost, never to be recaptured (ok, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, since I’m sure the girls would like nothing more than to dump the stuffed animals on the rug all over again).

His birthday is on Saturday. And there’s no way I am going to wait until Saturday to use that camera if it arrives before then. Too bad for him. It’s going to be an early birthday present, to which I have exclusive rights. I love those kind of “shared” presents, especially when they’re his.

Out of Sorts

Sophie’s been a bit out of sorts since yesterday. A little under the weather, and a whole lot of cranky. She required cuddles, but she often resisted them.

She’s become a fan of throwing things. Especially things that make noise. Jim-Jim, the guinea pig we’ve been watching, is terrified of her. She’s not a threat to him, but whenever she’s near his cage, he scampers away into a corner of his cage until she leaves again.

I don’t blame him. If I was his size I’d be scared too. She’s just too unpredictable. I think he’s going to be very happy to return home tomorrow – where there are no toddlers scampering around and causing mayhem. And I think Sophie is the only one who’s going to miss him.

It’s been a week, and she’s the only child in the household who displays any interest in feeding him. And even she’s not consistently enthusiastic. It’s a good thing my husband and I are around to pick up the slack. The moral of the story is that we’re not getting a pet anytime soon. Not even a fish or a crab or a bug. Two human girls are more than enough work.

Television: The Evil Babysitter

We’ve had a bit of an epiphany over the last week. When our kids watch less television, they’re a lot more enjoyable. You’d think that two highly educated adults like my husband and me would have discovered this a long time ago – we certainly don’t live in a bubble. But TV is convenient. And it’s a free babysitter, as much as I hate to fess up to using it in that way.

Continue reading Television: The Evil Babysitter

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life