Sophie the Artist

Sophie spent the last two weeks at the art camp run by our local museum’s school of art.  During that time, she created eight small masterpieces, all channeling different abstract artists.  The children’s inspirations included Picasso, Klee, Rothko, the designer Marimekko, and others.  A pretty cool way to spend the summer, don’t you think?

Continue reading Sophie the Artist

Will Sophie Sleep Tonight?

Sophie is going through one of her waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-which-sucks-big-time-for-her-insomniac-parents phases.

Every few months, she’ll subject us to a multi-day cycle of waking up and then waking us up from a deep sleep (an occurrence thats all too rare these days).  Last week, she had an excuse.  Her bothersome bloody nose, which tends to have piss-poor timing and manifest itself for several days in a row .  This week, however, is another story.

Continue reading Will Sophie Sleep Tonight?

Happy Sophie

The temporary only-child status is doing wonders for Sophie.  She is thoroughly enjoying receiving the totality of her parents’ attention.  And never one to shy away from the cameras, she’s happy to indulge us with a big grin as she decides whether she wants some frozen yogurt or a crepe for dessert.  Given the temperature outside, she wisely chose the former.

Continue reading Happy Sophie

I Love Papa

Papa scored some serious Sophie points today.  He took her to his office for the first time.  And apparently she had a blast.  She drew on the white board (see photo), played on her Nintendo DSi and on the iPad, zoomed around the empty office space on a chair with wheels (and rumor has it Papa joined her zooming around the office on his own chair), went to McDonald’s and drank hot chocolate.

Continue reading I Love Papa

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life