Sophie enacted a law today. After not seeing me over the weekend because she was at her Grammy’s and not seeing me on Monday and Tuesday night because I had dinner plans, I made the mistake of mentioning to her this morning that I had another dinner planned tonight.
Sophie is Home
When I called the house earlier this afternoon to let my mom know that I was going to be home late after receiving a last-minute invitation to a work-related dinner, Sophie overheard the conversation and took the handset from my mom.
All About Sophie
We deposit Chloe at camp tomorrow for four weeks. One month without my 11-year old to talk our ears off, complain about my nagging, steal my computer and allow it to run out of juice, leave a mess everywhere in the house…
Chloe, the 6th Grader
I suppose it’s now official. Chloe, having graduated yesterday from elementary school, is now a middle schooler. Hard to believe. She leaves her childhood scholastic years behind with a bunch of trophies and certificates, good memories and lots of smiles.
Chloe Shines at the Awards Ceremony
Chloe reaped four academic trophies at today’s ceremony (each class gave out two trophies for each subject):
**Outstanding student in language arts
**Outstanding student in math
**Outstanding student in social studies
**Geography scholar!
My Chloe
Chloe graduates from elementary school (5th grade to be exact) on Wednesday. It’s hard for me to believe that this milestone is upon us. It’s also hard to believe that schools feel the need to mount an entire ceremony for 11-year olds. The school even subjected the kids to a rehearsal, no less. As I’ve stated many times before, children today are way too coddled.
Chloe’s a Winner
Chloe is the 5th grade winner of our town library’s annual summer reading bookmark contest. She learned she had won through a couple of kids at our bus stop, who congratulated her on her victory after they saw her bookmark displayed at the library.
Mystery Solved
Loyal readers of this blog have likely noticed a recurring theme in my posts over the past several months. In this particular instance, I’m not talking about my struggles as a full-time working mom wanting to spend more time with my girls. The theme I’m talking about is the noticeable detente between Chloe and Sophie that has endured for several months.
It’s Hard to Believe (Random Thoughts)
That another school year is just about over. That Chloe will be starting middle school in the fall. That Sophie will be a second grader.
That Chloe will be leaving us in less than two weeks for a month of sleepaway camp. That it’s almost officially summer.
Sophie Has a Big Heart
Sophie and I went to the movies today with one of her dearest friends and her mom. The four of us go to a lot of movies together, and we usually go out for lunch at Red Robin before the film. Today was no different. The girls love Red Robin because they have balloons for the kids. After lunch, the girls brought their balloons into the car. On the way home from the movie, however, her friend’s balloon got stuck in the window while we were speeding down the highway.