Chloe is determined not only to cook, but to eat healthier foods. To aid her in her efforts, I am going to take her to the new Fairway early tomorrow morning so that she can go on a food shopping spree.
Tomorrow’s a Big Day
Chloe and Sophie have big days tomorrow.
Sophie has her school play. She will be part of the chorus, playing a tree frog. I don’t know much about the play, except it’s based on a kids’ book and it’s about the environment and being green. She’s nervous about forgetting her dance moves. I told her not to worry about it. That response did nothing to satisfy her. “But what if I forget, Mom? What do I do?” I then told her to do what all good performers do. “What’s that, Mom?” “You just need to continue and forge ahead. Don’t think about the mistake.” Sophie smiled, reassured. She remained content for all of about five minutes, until she scampered downstairs because she couldn’t fall asleep.
Chloe Wants to Be a Cook
Chloe has decided that she enjoys cooking and wants to cook more. Needless to say, I find that incredibly amusing. Not because I think she’d be a bad cook. Quite the contrary – we all know that when Chloe puts her mind to it, she can master anything.
I Survived My 25th High School Reunion
I’m still recovering from the party. And seeing so many people I hadn’t seen since I was a kid. But the reunion was a blast. The weather was gorgeous, the libations were plentiful and the conversation was animated, humorous and nostalgic.
25th High School Reunion
Just as Chloe is getting ready to “graduate” from 5th grade (I won’t start to rant about how ridiculous a 5th grade graduation ceremony is, but boy it is really ridiculous. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times, our generation coddles our kids way too much), I’m getting ready to celebrate the 25th anniversary of my high school graduation.
Sophie the Contemporary Dancer
Sophie has potential. Some moves that could one day find themselves on “So You Think You Can Dance.” She’s sometimes a bit unclear as to right or left, but she’ll get there. She is only six, after all.
Nanny and Poppy
Nanny and Poppy paid us a visit last night, recounting for posterity, via DVD, their lives. How Poppy came to the US from Russia in 1929, how they met as teenagers, how Nanny as a young girl worked to help support her family, how their happiest day was the day Poppy returned home from World War II, how Poppy lost a few thousand dollars playing blackjack with the Shah of Iran. Oh, the stories.
Defining Moments, Suite
The other day, I wrote a cryptic post about a defining moment that I was hoping to have last Wednesday and that, if all went well, would be the first step in helping me to figure out which way my internal tug-of-war would go.
More Sleepovers
Chloe slept at her best friend’s house on Thursday night (the lucky dogs didn’t have school yesterday). She confessed to me today (actually, she mentioned it in passing and then I called her out on it) that her friend’s mom (who’s also a close friend of mine) took them our for an ice cream at 11 pm! I don’t think I ever had a sleepover where the parents took us out for a late night ice cream run. I was duly impressed.
Sophie Has an Admirer
Our new next-door neighbors have a 2-year old girl. So as not to infringe on their privacy, let’s call her Amelia, as in Amelia Earhart, because she is an adventurer. She frequently comes to our house to visit. By herself. She’s even wandered into our house on occasion. She’s very cute. The first time she came to visit us, I thought it was because she coveted the play set in our backyard.