Mother’s Day

My Mother’s Day actually started yesterday.  With breakfast in bed.  Pancakes, bacon, milk and orange juice, on a lucite tray I forgot we had, but which was perfect for this purpose.  Chloe, Sophie and Papa accompanied the tray upstairs, and announced its arrival with a clash of cymbals.  The girls made me terrific cards this year.  Colorful and creative.  The presents (outdoor dishes from Crate & Barrel and a new bluetooth headset) didn’t hold a candle to the cards.  It was a pretty cool way to begin a weekend devoted to me.

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How Maurice Sendak Helped Define My Childhood

When I found out that Maurice Sendak died today, I was sad. I don’t tend to wallow in nostalgia when a famous person I’ve never met dies, but I made an exception in this case. Because when I heard the news, a little piece of the child left in me died with him.

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Chloe Has a Phone

We surprised Chloe this evening and pulled into the parking lot of a Verizon store.  She suspected we were just going to look at cellphones again so that she could choose one to buy at the end of school next month.  But following some exceptionally good behavior recently, we decided to advance the date of her graduation-from-elementary-school present.

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A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life