It’s very early in the morning, and we are just about to board our plane to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
Turquoise sea, here we come. I cannot wait to do nothing for a week. Well, almost nothing. Swimming, tennis, gym…
It’s very early in the morning, and we are just about to board our plane to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
Turquoise sea, here we come. I cannot wait to do nothing for a week. Well, almost nothing. Swimming, tennis, gym…
So, we’re at Smashburger for dinner and Chloe starts up with her 1,001 questions. Something she’s prone to do on at least a weekly basis. Tonight’s theme evolved into a discussion about religion.
And I feel like I’m living on another planet. Called the Peaceful Loving Sibling planet. It’s a strange feeling not having to raise my voice to yell at Chloe and Sophie for yelling at each other.
Sophie’s first poem for Enjoy.
Grammy had a great idea. Under the theory that we all learn something new each day, she’s encouraging the girls to keep track of their accumulated knowledge.
At the risk of stating the obvious, it’s called “The Watermelon.”
It’s a PinkMeNot milestone today. This is my 1,200th blog post. Hard to believe I’ve stuck with it for as long as I have. The girls provide good material. It’s easy to write when you always have something to write about.
Until tonight, either Papa or I would put Sophie to bed. This has been the daily routine since she was born (unless she was with my mom). We wouldn’t necessarily read to her every night, but at the very least one of us would go upstairs to tuck her in and give her a good night kiss.
Chloe made an interesting, bittersweet observation earlier today while we were out shopping.
Completely out of the blue, she remarked, not without a tinge of sadness, “Sophie and I won’t really hang out a lot together once we’re teenagers.”
Yesterday morning, Sophie jumped into bed with me and innocently asked, “Mommy, can you quit your job today?” This is becoming a common refrain with her.